What Are You Putting Up With?

...years ago, and the workshop leader asked the same question I just asked you:  "What are you putting up with?"  Now, she meant it in a general sense, as in 'What are you putting up with in your life?'.  While I think that is a valuable question to ask, I am thinking of it in terms of sex and relationships.Sometimes, we can forget that we have choices in our relationships, or in our dating life, or in our non-existent dating life.  Especially for those of us who grew up in difficult circumstances, we can become used to thinking from a disempowered point of view, as ...

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Are You Allowing Yourself To Receive?

That was a pretty big jump for me, especially since I was riding on a lot of long hills in Rockport, whereas at home the hills are fairly minor.  And, oh yeah, it was in the middle of a heatwave!  I was EXHAUSTED going up some of those hills, despite the gorgeous seaside views.  I decided to use a technique I had learned years ago, where I call in what I call "unemployed angels", angels who are hanging out waiting for someone to ask them for help.  (Yes, they exist!  And by spiritual law, they can't help unless you ask.)  It's customary ...

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Do You Know How To Pronounce This Word?

Back to my taking the Human Sexuality course in college....my friend and I kept chuckling to ourselves about how the professor didn't know how to pronounce the word "clitoris".  (He was pronouncing it like this:  "kli tr uhs", with the emphasis on the first syllable.)  Then, one day I thought to myself- well, maybe he really does know what he's talking about, I mean, he IS a professor of Human Sexuality!  So I looked it up and- guess what?  He was right!   I was reminded of this story because this week I was listening to a ...

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Are You in a Sexless Relationship?

Are YOU in a sexless marriage or relationship?  Experts define "sexless" as having sex less than once a month, or no more than 10x a year.  There are a number of common reasons that couples' relationships can become sexless over time.  Some of the most common are lack of communication, one partner being neglectful of the others' needs, or special circumstances such as illness. Regardless of the reason, if you ARE in a sexless relationship, does it bother you?  There are some couples who are perfectly happy being in a sexless relationship.&n...

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This Rolling Process

Yesterday, I went jogging.  This may not seem like a big deal to you, but to me it was huge.  For the past 2.5 years, I’ve been dealing with varying amounts of fatigue and other symptoms due to chronic illness. I used to be a regular exerciser.  At times I exercised every day.  I would jog, hike, do yoga, hula hoop, take Zumba classes; I had the privilege of basically being able to do whatever I wanted in terms of physical exercise and recreation.  I took it for granted….never again! For the past couple of weeks, I ...

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What’s Best for Me

Last winter, a good friend's grandmother died. I knew she was devastated. This woman had been more like her "mother" than her actual mother, and she was the Matriarch of the family. (For the sake of privacy, I will call my friend "Susan" and her grandmother "Lily".) I wasn't well at the time. I was sick with chronic (non-contagious) illness, and frankly it was a stretch for me to go to the wake, in a different part of the state. Yet, there was an emotional pull to attend it. I really wanted to be there to help support Susan. At the Hendricks Institute, ...

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Soul S.E.X.

There's no doubt that, as human beings, sex can and often does feel terrific- whether it's masturbation, or sex with partners. In fact, it feels so good that often we tend to think it's enough. What more could we want? Human touch, pleasure, endorphins...what's not to love, right? I agree, and there is so much more if we choose it. If we go deeper, to a realm of spirituality and possibilities. Making love with our souls is magical. What if you're not having a great time with sex? Or, you used to enjoy it, and now you're kind of bored? No matter what your ...

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Ah, Clarity

I'd been confused for so many years. I really did believe in "happily ever after"- of course, knowing that I wasn't going to get a Fairy Godmother and magic shoes. (Well, I mean, technically I could, knowing me, but...you know what I mean.) I even knew couples that were living in love, after decades of being together. I'd seen evidence. The truth was, though, I'd never seen evidence of it in my own life. I'd been in love, numerous times. I'd even had multiple, long relationships that kept going reasonably well for years. But I had never been able to get back ...

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Pretty Bows

There's a Blood Moon eclipse on my birthday, this Monday the 21st. It is connected to the rising of the Divine Feminine in this new era. (The word is, if you've been feeling a little funky lately, you're not alone. A lot of us more sensitive people have had emotional turmoil as the eclipse approaches. ) In this age, we hear a lot of talk about the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. Many say it is the time of healing the Divine Feminine and Masculine.  Yet, saying that they need healing is like saying God/dess needs healing. If the Divine Feminine ...

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A New Beginning

Today is January 1, 2019.   I’ve never been a “party girl” on New Year’s Eve (wellll, maybe once or twice…), and have generally not considered New Year’s a big deal. This year, however, I feel different.   I’ve been struggling over the past year with illness, financial challenges, and fear about launching myself back into my work after many months of lying low.  (Don’t worry, I’m gonna be here for many years to come; I have way too much work to do before I die!) Yet, last night, as my Beloved and I celebrated New Year’s ...

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