If only you were more beautiful. Had a better body. Were sexier. What you really want is the CONFIDENCE TO KNOW YOU’RE ALREADY ENOUGH…
You love your partner, but the COMMUNICATION could be better.
You want him to STEP UP so the two of you can be EQUALS.
And the SEX? Well, it’s practically non-existent!
Basically there are two types of S.E.X. : 1) S.E.X. within the one body. It’s YOU, FALLING MORE DEEPLY IN LOVE WITH YOURSELF. Creating an internal balance between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. 2) S.E.X. between the two bodies. Once we have fallen more deeply in love with ourselves, we can then share that love with another, and, in so doing, enhance that self-love. This would be exchanging energy whilst two people are having what most people call “sex” together. All “sex” is in fact S.E.X.!