What Are You Putting Up With?

…years ago, and the workshop leader asked the same question I just asked you:  “What are you putting up with?”  Now, she meant it in a general sense, as in ‘What are you putting up with in your life?’.  While I think that is a valuable question to ask, I am thinking of it in terms of sex and relationships.

Sometimes, we can forget that we have choices in our relationships, or in our dating life, or in our non-existent dating life.  Especially for those of us who grew up in difficult circumstances, we can become used to thinking from a disempowered point of view, as if life just kind of did as it pleased to us.  

What’s true is that we all create our lives just as they are.  As children, we truly didn’t have lots of choices, because we had to stay connected to the food source, no matter what happened.

But as adults, we do have the power to choose differently when we realize we’ve created, or co-created, as the case may be, something that is not to our liking.

Are you in relationship and not entirely satisfied with how certain aspects are going?  Are you in a relationship and pretty sure you want out?  Or, are you single and ready to get into a brand new relationship?  

I’m here to remind you today that not only do you create your sex/relationship life, you also have the power to change it.  And if you don’t stand up for yourself, most likely no one else is going to do it for you.  You deserve the most joy, the most contentment, and the most mind-blowing sex that you can have.  

So, again, what are you putting up with?  If you want support in creating the sex and relationship of your dreams, I am here to help.  

REMEMBER, If you feel less CONNECTED than you’d like with yourself, the Divine, or your Beloved, and desire to live a life of connection on all 3 levels beyond what’s been possible for you before, I invite you to sign up for a free CONNECTION CALL with me.  During this call, we will talk about your current challenge- where you are and where you want to be-, lay out a plan to get you there, and then we’ll discuss whether we’re a good fit to work together.  Even if we decide no, I will give you a referral or tool to point you in the direction of your own personal “brand new day.”  Schedule a free call HERE.

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