What You Focus Your Attention on Grows

It's sort of like plants.  If you focus your attention on them, giving them plenty of water and sunlight, they will grow.  So will your "problems".  I put problems in quotation marks because, rather than perceiving them as such, I find it more helpful to think of them as "experiences".  We did come here to Earth to feel the full range of feelings, and to have a full range of experiences, including those we tend to call problems.  But sometimes we get stuck in that space.  When that happens, it is the ego getting in the way.  Our souls may have desired to have every ...

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One Night Stand S.E.X.

Okay, I admit it's not as scandalous as the title sounds.  But it is a juicy story, so you may want to read on:  Several months ago I did something I rarely do, I went out dancing.  Not that I don't like to dance- I love it actually, but just don't seem to get around to it that often.  So a friend and I went out.  It was a nice place with a bar where you could get food and drinks. We met up with a guy.  A married guy.  And also, I should say, a very ordinary seeming guy at first glance.  He was not particularly good looking, and he was kind of on the short side ...

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You are Three in One

If you have been paying attention to things, you may have noticed there is something to the number three.   Three is the significant number in the Holy Trinity, for instance.  And it is also the number of parts you have as a human being.  You are three- mind, body, and spirit- in one human being. Many seem to think that the path to enlightenment is through getting more in touch with the spirit (or soul) part of you.  While it is true that most of us have lost touch to some extent with that part of us, true enlightenment comes from a balance of the three parts. ...

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S.E.X. Maniacs

"We're constantly having sex over here", our spirit guides said to us one day during channeling.  Wow, what  a bunch of sex maniacs, I thought to myself.  Sounds great.  Wish I were over there! That was a while ago.  I now realize two things I didn't know then: 1.  They're constantly having S.E.X. over there, not sex over there.  As in, Synergistic Energy Exchange, as in two or more working cooperatively together to exchange energy. 2.  We're constantly having S.E.X. over here too.  As in, we are constantly exchanging energy, whether we know it or not.   ...

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I Said Whaaat?

One day not too long ago I was sitting with a client whom I've been seeing for years.  We were talking about crying.  And suddenly I found myself saying something that I didn't even know was true. (I have this experience sometimes; I believe it is non-physical speaking through, for the highest good of the person I am speaking to at the time.  I do recommend asking for help from your non-physical friends whenever you feel at a loss for words.)  I told her that people can express any of their five core feelings through tears. Just a little background, researchers have ...

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The Four Clairs

As promised, today I am going to talk about the "four clairs".  The four clairs are the four ways that we can receive information from non-physical.  They are:  clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentience, and clairaudience.  If you're not familiar with the four clairs, this may sound far out.  But chances are you have either experienced these things yourself, or know someone who has. For instance, have you or anyone you know ever had the experience of having a body sensation and knowing something was "wrong"?  One of my good friends has this experience fairly ...

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You Are Never Alone

This is the phrase our spirit guides say to us nearly every time during channeling sessions at our weekly meditation group.  There are several reasons why this is true. First off, we all have spirit guides.  Spirit guides are as the name sounds.  They are spirits (souls) whose purpose is to guide us throughout our lifetimes.  We each have three.  Other guides may come and go at different points during our lives, but when we make a choice to come here to earth, part of the plan is that these three guides agree to be with us throughout our lifetimes.  As they like ...

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My Space

Nah, I don't mean that popular social networking site.  (I think that's MySpace anyway.)  I mean MY SPACE; ME. Let me explain.  Last night I was sitting on my mat at the beginning of yoga class, and my teacher (my favorite yoga instructor whom I loooove) invited us to use our breath to guide us into our yoga practice, to kind of "fall" into our own space.  She said something like:  "what's going on in the world is not your business, what's going on in your friends and families' lives is not your business, what's going on in your space IS your business".  And ...

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God is Pro-Sex

I have been wondering, what is my exact purpose?  What is the essence of my message to the world?  If I had to boil it all down to one phrase, what would it be?  And I keep coming back to the same thing: God is Pro-Sex.  It’s that simple. In ancient times, most of the world’s spiritual practices connected spirituality and sexuality.  As our spirit guides stated just the other day in channeling: “your sexuality IS your spirituality.” Today, most spiritual disciplines tell us that the way to become enlightened is through controlling or denying the senses ...

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The Energy Stream

Recently I developed a new technique for those moments when I am  having any type of negative thought.  I made reference to it the other day in a blog.  It’s very simple.  I simply imagine a sea of compassion and unconditional love floating toward me, and then I receive it when it arrives. It felt very easy for me to do, right from the first time I did it.  I would even say I was  naturally masterful at it. So the other day I was doing it, basking in the warm glow of the love and compassion I was receiving and I had a thought: maybe I am not really creating ...

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