You are Three in One

If you have been paying attention to things, you may have noticed there is something to the number three.   Three is the significant number in the Holy Trinity, for instance.  And it is also the number of parts you have as a human being.  You are three- mind, body, and spirit- in one human being.

Many seem to think that the path to enlightenment is through getting more in touch with the spirit (or soul) part of you.  While it is true that most of us have lost touch to some extent with that part of us, true enlightenment comes from a balance of the three parts.

You chose to come here, to the planet, for a reason, perhaps for several reasons.  It may have to do with your work, for instance, the particular gift you came to bless the population with.  Or it may have to do with a virtue you really wanted to work on, such as patience or forgiveness.  Or perhaps a combination of several things.  Whatever your individual purpose in coming here, you will be best served by finding a balance of mind, body and soul.

I do have some recommendations about how you can best nourish each part of you.   So here goes:

To nourish your mind, use it.  Read something every day.  It doesn’t have to be for a long time.  Be in a constant process of discovery about the world you live in.  Cultivate your natural curiosity, your natural joy in learning.  Engage in discussion with others about what you and they are learning about the world, about yourselves, the way the universe works, and about others.

To nourish your body, take in plenty of healthy, preferably organic food.  Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, some organic meats if you like, and plenty of water.  Get adequate rest.  Most people do not need as much sleep as they have been led to believe.  For most, six hours at night is adequate.  Taking a brief (maybe thirty minute) nap during the day gives your soul a break from being in the body for so long.  When you sleep,  your soul leaves the body.  When your soul is able to leave the body during a nap, it is like taking a shower for your soul; it is  refreshing.  And, exercise.  Yoga is extremely beneficial for both the body and mind.  Walking outside, in nature when possible, is also good.  Resistance does not exist in nature.  Spending time in nature rubs off on you and reduces your own resistance.  I know you have heard most of these things before.  I find that sometimes we can all use a little reminder of how to best love and take care of our bodies. Drifting happens.

And finally, the spirit or soul.  Meditation is probably the most effective way to nourish the soul.  I do recommend doing it every day without fail.  At least once, for a minimum of ten minutes if you can get yourself to sit still for that long.  If not, start with less time and build up.  Most people find that meditation is most beneficial either at dusk or dawn.  Prayer is another way to nourish your soul.  Do it every day.  I will say more about prayer in a future blog.

For now, keep in mind that you are three in one.  Make an effort every day to nourish all three parts of yourself.  The more balanced you become in this way, the better you will feel and the more easily you will be able to accomplish your mission here.  Be well!

2 Replies to "You are Three in One"

  • mahalawanda
    April 2, 2012 (2:14 am)

    Thank you for these reminders! Very important stuff~

    • Maria Merloni
      April 2, 2012 (12:03 pm)

      You’re welcome, my pleasure :)!