Be Generous With Your Love- Part II
The second part of "being generous with your love" is to share that love with others. (The first part being giving love to yourself, which I wrote about in my previous blog.)
The more you love yourself, the easier it is to love others and the more you will notice things to love about them.
You will not be jealous of others' good points when you know you have many of your own. You will realize that each person simply has different lovable things that make up who they are. There is no scarcity of loveable traits to go around....
Be Generous With Your Love
I'm talking about two types of generosity here: The first type is generosity toward yourself; the second is generosity toward others.
The most common, perhaps only, root of the "problems" that clients present to me is a lack of self-love. Technically, it's a forgetting of the self-love that we all have. Before we made the choice to come here, we knew who we were. The big cosmic joke is that when we get here we have forgotten who we are: radiant beings with the power of the Universe within us. Our lives, hopefully, become the process of remembering who we are, and expanding our souls as we do.
Clients often ask me how they can learn to love themselves. My two best pieces of advice are these: know yourself, and act like you love yourself....
The Many Benefits of Squirting
My blogs "Squirting 101" and "Squirting 102" have been some of the most popular I've ever written. Just in case you are a woman and I haven't yet piqued your interest, today I'd like to discuss why a woman would want to squirt. (By the way, in case you were wondering, all women have the anatomy and therefore the ability to squirt.)
1. Being the hedonist that I am, the first reason that comes to mind is this: it feels amazing. Impossible to describe. Ecstatic, luscious, freeing...? These words don't do it justice. You'll have to try it to find out for yourself! ...
Polyamory as a Spiritual Path
Let me first say this: in terms of one's sexual choices- monogamy, celibacy, polyamory- it can all be a spiritual path. None is"better" than the others. The path I am on simply happens to be polyamory.
Here are some of the ways in which I see that polyamory is a spiritual path:...
Full-Out Transparency…Part IV
Again, if you haven't read parts I, II, and III of my blog on transparency in relationships, I suggest you go back and do that now...
Picking up where I left off, I went through the next forty-eight hours with much crying, journal writing, and "villain-izing" my primary (aka primary poly partner; boyfriend). Finally, at the end of a hot yoga class during which I had dripped first tears and then sweat onto my mat, I started having this thought: It is so beautiful that my partner and I have signed up to teach each other about transparency and boundary-setting in this lifetime Then, I knew I was out of drama and ready to talk to him face to face about what was up for me. I had shifted from blame to responsibility for co-creating this perfect situation with my partner....
Full-Out Transparency…Part II
Back to my series on transparency via poly dating...when I left off, I had just "survived" the trials of my boyfriend going on his first date.
He was about to embark on a trip to Japan for his work, which would keep him away for almost five weeks. We had discussed beforehand the fact that he has always been attracted to Asian women, and he had a huge fantasy about having sex with a Japanese woman while there. So we agreed that if he had the opportunity to make his dream come true, he would go for it. I felt totally fine about that. In fact, I was really hoping it would work out for him. This may seem kind of odd, since I had just had so much anxiety about one little date in the U.S. But, really, I want him to be happy and have what he wants, and it felt so much safer with his potential lover living on another continent. ;)...
Full-Out Transparency and Nothing Less
Many of you already know that I am in a new, polyamorous relationship with an amazing man! And, even for those of you who are not poly and have no intention of ever being poly, my blogs about my relationship(s) are applicable to monogamous relationships as well. The same issues- of jealousy, transparency, time challenges, communication, and S.E.X. come up.
This is going to be the start of a "mini-series" of blogs about our recent experiences with starting to date others for the first time since getting into relationship about five months ago....
Let’s Talk About the C Word
I know, you think I'm about to write a blog about the word "cunt", a taboo word for a part of the female anatomy. It's not that I'm afraid to say the word cunt. I'm not. Cuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcunt. See?! It's that today I'd like to talk about an equally taboo word: commitment.
The word commitment tends to invoke feelings of fear and a sense of being trapped. However, that's because many of us have been thinking of it in a way that creates fear. We think that if we commit to something, we need to do it forever. We think that if we don't fulfill our commitments, we are failures....
Selfishness Has a Bad Name
Really, I'm serious. We are all told that being selfish is a bad thing, right? Well, I disagree. I think that if we all started to put ourselves first, the world would be a better place.
You may be thinking: But what about doing things for others? ...