Today I Wept…

I have been reading the book Home with God by Neale Donald Walsch.  (Sorry,  Neale, the last time I wrote about you I totally hacked your name, but I figure a man like you will probably forgive.)  It’s the last in his Conversations with God series, in which he literally prints word for word his conversations with Source.

So I got to the part about how we ourselves create everything in our lives.  I know this sounds hard to believe for some. There is really no man with a long white beard in the sky pulling our puppet strings.  We have free will. We can co-create with non-physical, but we are the ones who choose.  I don’t mean consciously, in most cases, but we do choose it all.

The real question at some point became for me, not how can God allow all these “bad” things to go on in the world, how, or why, do we choose for all these “bad things” to occur? And in the book, God started talking about how we even choose the times and places and circumstances of our deaths.  And that all the deaths we even know about, we have co-created those too, for our highest good.  This of course all being my interpretation of what Neale said that God said in the book- which I highly recommend you read and see for yourself.

Okay, here’s a really radical idea.  So even when people have what many would call tragic circumstances in their lives, like having a stillborn baby, it was chosen.  It was chosen by the parents, and it was chosen by the soul of the baby that died.  For some reason that we may not ever know or understand until we die and see every event of our lives clearly for what it was, for its higher purpose.

I started thinking about my cousin, whose wife gave birth to a stillborn baby, and how the soul of that baby had acted as an angel, bestowing a gift to that couple, that they didn’t even consciously know they wanted.  And I wonder how all three of their souls have grown from that experience.  Just thinking about that makes me cry all over again.

I cried over the beauty  of it all.   I cried over the incredible poignancy of life.  I cried over the bitterness and the joy, all wrapped into one.  And in my tears there was both pain and ecstasy.

We all have to figure these big questions out for ourselves.  This is how I’m coming to terms with Life these days.  How about you?

9 Replies to "Today I Wept..."

  • Artie
    February 12, 2012 (11:49 pm)

    I have been thru this,inside and out,and as time passes…I look at it differently,each time, I look at it…..Sometimes,situations just don’t match up…hence,I will settle on Divine Intervention….For me the bigger question is “Why am I still here?”……so many times I was right there at door to HOME,and was not allowed in….I have been taught that in our life contract,we allow ourselves, several easy way outs,for our “Trying” times…I exercised this right and am still here…The questioning,wondering,and why’s will drive one nuts…I am here now,I am enlightened(somewhat)…life goes on…time just keeps ticking…..I take the joy that I can find,help where I can,and pass along to those that want it,what I have learned…

    • Maria Merloni
      February 13, 2012 (12:31 pm)

      Yes I learned the same thing about having several pre-planned opportunities to die in each lifetime, and depending how things are going we can choose to stay or go. I guess you- we – still have some more things we wanted to accomplish here, eh?

  • Artie
    February 13, 2012 (5:59 pm)

    Yes….there is, work still to accomplish…..hummmm

    Going back to your post….Grief,is the single most emotion, that can either bury us quickly,or help us to evolve at a much faster rate….When we look and feel it in human form,it can be horrible(I actually dont think their is a single word to describe the pain)….When we look at grief thru our awakened spiritual self,we realize that our loved one is much better off being “Home”….then the process of going back and forth between feeling heart broken,and joyful…until it eases,and we start to grow …And the whole interweaving of soul contracts….. I can only get up to 3,and understand(same as playing chess,I can only see 3 moves)…..So,I ACCEPT….Tears of sorrow,followed by joyful laughter,makes one Rocking Human….

    • Maria Merloni
      February 15, 2012 (1:43 pm)

      Sounds like quite a journey you’ve been on, I can relate!

    • Mayang
      February 28, 2012 (11:42 pm)

      I am with you on that, Artie. The experience of grief has always brought me back home to the Divine. It was these uncomfortable life expereinces that sort of forced me to listen to the voice of the spirit and to share that expereince with others. I am grateful for all my sad expereinces because they have allowed me to grow bigger spiritually.

      • Artie
        February 28, 2012 (11:48 pm)

        I have been very sad for a few days,but I find myself,in a very creative mode….hummm

        • Maria Merloni
          February 29, 2012 (1:15 pm)

          Yes it sounds like you surrendered to your sadness and out of that you have some creative inspiration coming from your soul.

          • Chintan
            March 17, 2012 (9:39 pm)

            is a very colloquial and homoruus one. It is hard for me to equate this God with the God of Moses and Jesus Christ. But that may just be my limitation. To give you a flavor, the language is much like that in the George Burns movie of many years ago, Oh God. If you are curious about other perspectives on spirituality, you will enjoy this book. If you are looking for a different perspective than the one you have today, especially one that is less threatening, you may find this to be enlightening. Let me share with you the three laws in the book: The First Law is that you can be, do, and have whatever you can imagine. The Second Law is that you attract what you fear. Love is all there is. God describes Himself as having no needs, but three desires: (1) that people know and experience Him (2) that people know and experience who they are and (3) that the whole process of life is a constant joy, continuous creativity, and never-ending experiences of total fulfillment. May your life be filled with valuable spiritual experiences and guidance!

        • Edi
          March 17, 2012 (11:08 pm)

          I love this article. It aglins with my own personal belief that we CHOOSE our lives. We CHOOSE our responses to things. We CHOOSE the outcome. Sort of like is the glass half full or half empty?’. It’s a matter of choice. Mine is half full. We can choose to change our thoughts and that will change the outcome of any situation. Don’t sit idly by and say, my life takes control of me, I have no choice’.. no, YOU get to choose to take control of your life or any situation. Make YOURSELF happy. Align your thoughts with how you want the situation to turn out. Watch your life go smoothly and exactly how you want it to. It’s not rocket science. It’s just a matter of choice.