Can Loss Be A Gift?
Last Saturday I was about to give a 3 hour Sacred Lingam Massage workshop, so I went to get my nails and toes done beforehand. While I was waiting for my nails to dry, I got a phone call from a number right in town. I knew there were no workshop participants from Milton, so I let it go to voicemail. I later found out it was the Animal Control Officer. You probably know where I'm going here. I called her back and she told me that our beloved kitten who hadn't even had a chance to turn one yet had been found dead in the neighbor's yard. It was shocking at first ...
How To Find Safety
Today, as we here in America are all still living in the place of limbo with the future of our country, I realize that what's most important to talk about is how to be okay with that. Or rather, not only how to be okay with being in limbo, but also how to be okay no matter what the outcome. No mater who wins or loses the election. No matter what our individual and collective futures hold.
What I have been practicing for years is mostly how to be at peace in my own days. I do care about what's happening in the world and have ...
Soul S.E.X.
There's no doubt that, as human beings, sex can and often does feel terrific- whether it's masturbation, or sex with partners. In fact, it feels so good that often we tend to think it's enough. What more could we want? Human touch, pleasure, endorphins...what's not to love, right?
I agree, and there is so much more if we choose it. If we go deeper, to a realm of spirituality and possibilities. Making love with our souls is magical.
What if you're not having a great time with sex? Or, you used to enjoy it, and now you're kind of bored? No matter what your ...
Ah, Clarity
I'd been confused for so many years. I really did believe in "happily ever after"- of course, knowing that I wasn't going to get a Fairy Godmother and magic shoes. (Well, I mean, technically I could, knowing me, know what I mean.) I even knew couples that were living in love, after decades of being together. I'd seen evidence.
The truth was, though, I'd never seen evidence of it in my own life. I'd been in love, numerous times. I'd even had multiple, long relationships that kept going reasonably well for years. But I had never been able to get back ...
Pretty Bows
There's a Blood Moon eclipse on my birthday, this Monday the 21st. It is connected to the rising of the Divine Feminine in this new era. (The word is, if you've been feeling a little funky lately, you're not alone. A lot of us more sensitive people have had emotional turmoil as the eclipse approaches. )
In this age, we hear a lot of talk about the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. Many say it is the time of healing the Divine Feminine and Masculine.
Yet, saying that they need healing is like saying God/dess needs healing. If the Divine Feminine ...
Even in My Snowsuit
I am forever changed.
I just returned from a Tantra retreat in Puerto Rico.
I went fully into my Divine Feminine and received. I opened.
For years now I have been what I call a "twitcher". I don't know how long, exactly; a very long time. When I am turned on- and I don't just mean by S.E.X., I twitch. It starts somewhere in my core and branches out.
My twitching has been happening more and more, progressively, over the years. From present experiences, from memories, from looking at food, from eating food, from expressing deep emotion, from hearing truth ...
My Open Heart
It hurts. Letting go of a Beloved always hurts. It really doesn't get easier with "practice" and life experience, does it? Not for me anyway.
Last week I had an ending of relationship with one of my lovers. And even though I was the one who initiated it, my heart still hurts. I am deeply saddened that this one didn't work out, and still even now getting in touch with just how badly I wanted it to...alas, when it isn't right, it isn't right.
My heart is broken open. I am wiling to feel all of my feelings and ride the waves. That part doesn't get easier; ...
What is Love?
What's been popping up for me lately is wondering about the nature of love. Or perhaps I should say Love, with a capital L.
It's a topic I've long been interested in. I remember over a decade ago when I was in school at The Hendricks Institute, and one day in class we had a Q & A session with Gay and Katie, to ask about anything we wanted. The question I asked was this: I've heard that you (Gay) don't think love is an emotion. Is that true? And the answer (in paraphrase form) was essentially yes, that is true. I don't think love is an emotion. I ...
On “Making Love”
I woke up this morning with this thought: When we use the phrase "making love", what does that really mean? In fact, it doesn't make sense to me anymore.
I've always been a bit let down by the ability of that phrase to accurately reflect what it really IS. I mean, it's useful, yes, to get the point across. Different from fucking (or is it?). The urban dictionary gives this definition of making love: "Sexual intercourse between two people who love each other. Practiced by same sex couples or different sex couples." Not INaccurate, yet not very inclusive either. ...
Naked Before You
Getting naked here on so many levels.
Naked right now after going on a hard run. That I procrastinated on for the past lot-of hours today. Hot and sweaty and out of breath. Stripped down to nearly nothing before the shower I'm about to take.
And feeling very naked emotionally, too. Yes, I got very triggered today. Yes, my last two posts on here have been very true and very real. I was raw and feeling less than and unable to move forward a couple months (?) ago. And then last week, I was in a place of feeling blissful and full of love and possibili...