I Am The Energy

I’ve been on an Abraham kick lately.  The Abraham that Esther Hicks channels- a collection of souls that speak through her that call themselves “Abraham”.  If you don’t know it, it’s good stuff.  Go on YouTube and search Abraham and you can hear lots and lots of the recordings.

If you do know it, I’m sorry I keep repeating this stuff in my blogs.  😉

So, yeah.  Sometimes I listen to these recordings for inspiration.  I have needed inspiration.  I have been in a tough place with my inner experience, connected to taking bigger and bigger steps in my sacred work.  Exciting and terrifying.

One of the most basic messages on these YouTube audio recordings is that in order to be in the place of receiving all that we desire, we must be energetically in alignment, meaning connected to the continuous flow of Source energy.  That flow is always there.  The only thing we must do in order to be in that alignment is to stop resisting it.  They call this being in the Vortex.  Pretty much Law of Attraction type stuff.  Disclaimer: this is my interpretation of Abraham’s message.

So Abraham keeps talking about reaching for a better feeling thought. They say that when we wake up in the morning, we are already in our Vortex, the good-feeling place where all that we desire is available, so that the easiest thing to do is wait ’til we wake up in the morning, notice how great we feel, and then if we start to have even one negative thought, it is easier to notice that and to shift back into alignment.  This way we can essentially go through life feeling good all the time. And being conscious co-creators with The Universe.  Sounds like a good plan, right?

It’s not like I haven’t heard this kind of thing before.  And I really, really have a) always believed it and b) not achieved this kind of being in the Vortex almost continuously that Abraham described.  For one, I have found it hard to remember to monitor and shift my thoughts all day, every day.  Also, I tried this thing with waking up in the morning and finding my happy place.  Maybe I was just being an over-achiever in the misery department, but the morning after I had listened to this video, I woke up and I’m pretty sure my first thought was “Oh, f*ck”.

My “growing pains”, as I like to call them sometimes, were pretty intense that day.  It was very much like having PTSD, with intrusive, unpleasant thought-feelings seemingly coming out of nowhere quite frequently.

So I pulled out one of my most powerful tools, Gentle Reprocessing, and did a session for myself.  I do this with clients all the time.  I know how to do it and don’t need anyone there to assist me anymore.  It was intense. Big sadness, anger, and fear/terror, complete with dry heaving.  Ewww.  Lots of past life memories came up, which I hadn’t even realized were connected to all this, yet it all made perfect sense.  I was really drained afterward, and frankly didn’t really feel better for several hours.  Then I intentionally chose to watch a movie that was labeled as “feel good”.  And it worked.  I felt good!  Joyful, uplifted, clear, optimistic, connected- all the good stuff.  I went to sleep happy.

The next morning, this amazing thing happened.  All the angst from the prior day was gone. I woke up feeling not sh*tty, not mediocre, but happy, energized, connected to Source.  I meditated, went out for a run, and I DID THE THING!  All of a sudden, it was all clear. I was easily able to notice as soon as I had a thought that brought me off my path- the path of least resistance- and trade that in for a thought that felt better.  Something Abraham reminds us of often is this:  WE are the energy that creates worlds (or Universes, or Yoniverses, or something.  Just kidding about the Yoniverses, but why not?!) I just kept saying that to myself every time a negative thought appeared:  “I am the energy that creates worlds.” By the end of my run, not only did I not feel worse, I felt even better.  And I’ve been able, with very few exceptions, to just keep doing that and having fantastic days ever since.

Not saying I’m going to feel fabulous all day every day for the rest of my life, now, AND I have learned some things which cannot be unlearned.  Namely:

  1. Sometimes, when we are really stuck, it takes something a little more drastic, like Gentle Reprocessing, or firing that under-performing house cleaner, or ending that relationship to get back on our path.  Sometimes we have lost the ability to press our reset button, so to speak, as easily as getting a night’s sleep, and although I believe it is always possible to get to the Vortex with or without something drastic, sometimes “something drastic” IS the path of least resistance.
  2. This Abraham sh*t works!



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