Fifty Ways to Stay With Your Lover

I don't know about you, but I get bored with doing the same things over and over.  Take food.  I get on "food kicks"  where I love, love, love, eating a particular food.  And then- I don't.  Currently it's Caprese Salad for me.  It's the same with sex.  If you have a long term partner, chances are you have gotten into a sex routine with each other.  You know what works.  You do it.  Over and over....I'm getting bored just thinking about it!  So below are 50 ways to get things exciting again: 1.  Try having sex at a different time of day than usual. 2. ...

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Meditating Together

One of the best things you can do for your relationship is to meditate together.  Meditation is a wonderful practice that I strongly recommend for everyone.  Ten minutes a day is all it takes.  There are quite a few fabulous benefits to meditation: clear thinking, better sleep, improved mood, increased intuition, more energy, less anxiety-  just to name a few.  So even if you are single I do suggest that you start meditating every day. If you are partnered perhaps either you haven’t felt as connected as you used to or things are going great but you want to ...

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The Truth About Polyamory

The other day I was thinking about polyamory (something I often do), and what I landed on is that many people hold beliefs about polyamory without having much or any knowledge or experience of it.  Below, I will name a few of these beliefs, and shed some light on the true nature of polyamory: 1.  Polyamory is all about sex.  Well, no, it's not.  The definition of polyamory is romantic love with more than one person, honestly, with full knowledge and consent by all involved.  The emphasis is on love, intimacy, and relationship, not sex.  In fact, by some definini...

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Wanna Spice up Your Sex Life?

A couple of years back, when my friend and I were doing the Booty Doctors radio show, we had Hercules Liotard, aka The Pleasure Coach on our show as a guest.  Hercules is based in California and specializes in intimate touch, along with sex and intimacy coaching.  I think we had him on twice, actually 'cause we like him so much!  He taught us how to do vulva massage.  If you've never done it, as either a giver or receiver, I recommend you read his instructions (which I have paraphrased below) and DO try this at home!  It is a rich and rewarding experience ...

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Fifty Shades of Progress

I finally broke down and started reading the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy.  I'm not even all the way through it yet.  And yes, I do have to agree with the critics that the series is not the most well-written, has a lot of typos, and perpetuates the stereotypes of porn sex (those being things like men getting erections five minutes after having sex, women having orgasms at the slightest touch, all the unrealistic and potentially damaging beliefs about what real sex is like.) For the 1% (haha) of the population that hasn't read these books yet, they are basically about ...

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The Good Girl/Bad Girl Split

I know guys, you want it all.  As that rapper tune says (I’m paraphrasing)- ‘I want a lady on the streets but a freak in the bed’.  Really?  Cause according to my sources, you think she doesn’t exist.  Maybe that’s one of the reasons you (all of us really, but I’m talking to the guys here today)  have so many affairs.  You think you can’t have both in one person.  Well, you can, but you’ll have to change some of your thinking to get there.  It’s kinda like the Virgin Mary/Mary Magdalene split.  They called Mary Magdalene a whore.  She wasn’t ...

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Gettin’ Some

This week I did some public speaking, and two things really stood out for me.  The first was, I remembered how much I LOVE public speaking, and did follow that up with setting an intention to do more of that in the near future.  The second, which is really the subject of this blog was this: the picture painted for me of the sex lives of the group I spoke to was pretty bleak.  There doesn’t seem to be much sex going on in the lives of many long-term couples. If you, too, fall into the category of wishing that you and your partner were having more sex, I will give a ...

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Why do Orgasms Feel so Good?

Basically, there are two reasons.  One is the more common reason that most people probably think about when they ask themselves this question.  It’s a physiological response. Blood flows to the genitals, both male and female, when sexual excitement occurs, and the intense feeling of pleasure that orgasm brings is the sensation that results when all the extra blood that’s been building up gets released at once. Then there’s the other reason. This is the one that I really want to talk about.  It’s like Tantra 101: orgasm feels so good because when you experie...

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A Riddle for You

What do the Tooth Fairy and friends with benefits have in common?  They are both make-believe.  Yes, I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as friends with benefits.  Oh yeah, we can delude ourselves into thinking that we can be "friends" with someone, have sex with them occasionally, and not develop feelings for that person, but in reality, how often does that really happen? You may be thinking you have pulled it off.  And maybe you have.  But I am convinced that the great majority of the time, one or both of y0u will get attached to the other ...

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One Story

A friend of mine had a rift in her marriage last year.  This was not an unusual story.  It may sound familiar to you, from your own life, or someone you know.  She had been married for a considerable number of years.  She noticed, several years before, that not only had she stopped having a desire for sex with her partner, but that she had literally at times felt repulsed by him.  She was not in love with anyone else nor was she having an affair. Hers is a story with a “happy ending”, or I should probably say a happy resolution, at least for the time being.  ...

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