The Cool Thing About Being in this New Era….

…well, one of the cool things I mean, is that the things that many people thought were hogwash are starting to be scientifically validated.  Last weekend I had the opportunity to have my aura and chakras photographed.  The camera sees the electromagnetic energy and shows what it looks like.  That technology has been around for a while, and I’ve always wanted to try it, so I finally did.  None of it was really much of a surprise to me, and it was really fun!

So, yeah, my aura is mostly blue with some purple.  All the colors mean different things.  I was told my aura shows I am “communicative, loving, loyal, sensitive, and helpful.”  The chakras, I think, can tell us even more.  That’s what I really want to talk about today.

In our bodies, we have hundreds of chakras, or energy centers.  There are, however, seven main ones that run up and down the spinal column.  The word chakra is a sanskrit word meaning “wheel”.  If we could see our chakras in action, we would see colored wheels of light continuosly spinning.  The speed with which a chakra spins varies.  The slowest spinning chakra is considered the first chakra and is located at the base of the spine.  Each chakra from there on up progressively spins faster all the way to the seventh chakra at the top of the head.  Each chakra is also a different color, starting again at the base of the spine, the colors progress just like a rainbow-  red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple.  Did you know you were so beautiful?

The chakras are very important.  They invlolve all of our internal organs, and are also in action during S.E.X.   Ideally, all of our seven chakras are open and balanced.  When they are, we feel a sense of well-being, plenty of energy, and our mind, emotions and bodies all operate well.  When they are closed and unbalanced, we may feel listless, tired, depressed,  have trouble thinking clearly, and even have serious physical illnesses.  When a person deals with negative experiences in life by blocking them, their chakras become blocked.  Over time, this can lead to some or all of the negative effects just listed.

You’re probably getting the idea that keeping your chakras open and balanced is a really good thing.  Two of the easiest and fastest ways to keep your chakras in good shape, or restore them to full functioning, are using crystals and receiving healing.  Many people think of Reiki when they hear the word “healing” and this is one healing modality.  There are many others as well.  Brother Jesus healed, and he never took any classes or called it by any name.  Sometimes healers will use crystals and healing at the same time.

Each chakra corresponds to a different function in the body.  At the base of the spine is the chakra that deals with the most mundane concerns, all the way up to the top of the head, which corresponds to the most spiritual concerns.   I will go into more detail about this in my next blog.  Stay tuned!

2 Replies to "The Cool Thing About Being in this New Era...."

  • Renee
    August 19, 2012 (2:08 am)

    Very interesting information about chakras. Thanks for sharing.

    • Maria Merloni
      August 20, 2012 (2:26 pm)

      My pleasure 😉