Music, Sex, and Cookies

Back when I was in college I used to go to these live music events at that Student Center.  It would usually be small, local performers (which in my opinion are often the best ones) doing songs they had written.  I remmember one time this guy came with his acoustic guitar and one of his songs was called “Music, Sex, and Cookies”.  (I’m sorry, acoustic guitar playing singer guy, I don’t remember your name, so I can’t give you proper credit.  If anyone out there knows who I’m talking about, please email me.)  I liked the song so much I bought the tape.  Haha, now I’m really admitting just how long ago it was.  CD’s hadn’t even been invented yet!   The tape has long since been discarded, and the song went something like this:  “Music, sex, and cookies.  Cookies, music, and sex.  Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, ’cause  I like them all the best.”  The point was, they were the guy’s three favorite things in the world.  Now, at the time, I really thought he was onto something.  I, myself, couldn’t even think of anything better, which will tell you just how much I love cookies!

So today I was looking back at some old channeling notes.  I have about two years worth of notes, and with the early ones I used to literally write down every word of what was being said.  In my notes from December 14th, 2010, I saw that I wrote:  “We need to go back to the Source through meditation, prayer, and sex.”  Hmmmm, I know it’s not music, sex, and cookies, and I’m willing to change my three favorite things to meditation, prayer, and sex.  Despite the fact that they don’t seem to go together in a snappy little tune in my head.  And despite the fact that if most people saw the words  “meditation, prayer and sex” together and they were playing that game on Sesame Street when they sing:  “One of these things is not like the others”, they’d pick sex.  Although you see, the only reason why we think that sex does not belong with meditation and prayer is that we have been conditioned to think that sex is evil, shameful, and bad for thousands of years.  In fact, if I were playing that Sesame Street game, and I saw the words “evil, shameful, bad, and sex”, I’d pick sex as the one that “just doesn’t belong”, (as  you may remember the song goes).

The ability to help we who are in physical bodies reconnect with God(dess) is what prayer, meditation, and sex have in common.  And, as in the Tantric tradition all things lead back to God(dess).  Like those people who sit on heaps of garbage and connect with God.  The beauty of Tanra is that all things lead back to God.  So, why not pray, meditate, have sex, and then listen to some music while having milk and cookies?  Sounds like a perfect day to me!

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