Pre-teens Having Sex?

The other day I was blogging about whether birth control is really necessary, based on what our guides had said one time.  What I didn’t mention was that, while they were on the topic of young people having sex, they went on to say that it is best for our adolescents to start having sex “as soon as possible”.  Basically, as soon as they start having an interest in sex.  And they specifically mentioned as early as the age of twelve or thirteen.  As liberal minded as I am, this gave even me pause.  Hmmm, really?

In our society, trying to get our children to wait as long as possible to have sex, (some parents, as you know, telling their children to wait until they are married, even) is the norm.  But why is that, really?  Is it because they would really be at risk physically, pyschologically, or emotionally, any more than anyone else, or is it becasue of our own need as parents to try to protect them from any pain?

I know, I know, some kids may not be mature enough to practice safe sex.  Heck, some adults aren’t either, for that matter.  Some kids may have bad judment.  Some adults do, too.  I know some kids who have better judgment than the adults around them, in fact.  Some kids might be especially vulnerable to being emotionally hurt.  Is that really something we can protect them from?  Do you know a human being on the planet that hasn’t been hurt in a romantic or sexual relationship?  It’s part of the process of learning and growing in relationships- getting hurt.  We can’t save them from that whether they’re twelve or twenty one.  Some may say there’s too much of a risk of teenage pregnancy.  In European countries, sex is not so taboo for teens.  Parents allow it.  And guess what?  The teen pregancy rate is higher here in America than there.

I’m not saying I’ve made up my mind about this, or that I agree with our guides’ position on this.  I’m simply giving some food for thought, inviting you to examine your own beliefs.   When non-physical speaks through, I strongly consider the source.  They are advanced, non-physical beings.  Unenlightened souls aren’t able to become spirit guides or Ascended Masters (who have also spoken through during channeling sessions in our meditation group).

Certainly, listening to our spirit guides speak for almost two years now has gotten me to open my mind up even further.  I have decided to question every assumption I’ve ever had, as I beceome aware of them.  I advise everyone to do it.  What are your beliefs?  Where did they come from?  Do you trust the source?  Have you taken on some of your beliefs by default, because they were fed to you- by your parents, by society, by other authority figures- never even realizing that they were based on assumptions that may or may not be your truth?

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