S.E.X. Maniacs
“We’re constantly having sex over here”, our spirit guides said to us one day during channeling. Wow, what a bunch of sex maniacs, I thought to myself. Sounds great. Wish I were over there!
That was a while ago. I now realize two things I didn’t know then:
1. They’re constantly having S.E.X. over there, not sex over there. As in, Synergistic Energy Exchange, as in two or more working cooperatively together to exchange energy.
2. We’re constantly having S.E.X. over here too. As in, we are constantly exchanging energy, whether we know it or not. And here’s the kicker: not just with each other, with everything in the Universe- with rocks, with other people, with chairs, with animals, you name it.
You know how our parents always told us to be careful we hung around with? Well, apparently there was something to that! If you, like I, want to be more careful about your S.E.X., I have some suggestions below:
For one, choose friends and lovers carefully. Think to yourself: do I want to become more like this person? If the answer is no, then why are you spending time around him or her?
Granted, there are times you may not have a lot of choice in the matter. If you want to have food in your house, for example, you will probably have to walk into a grocery store on occasion. So in that case, or when around anyone whose energy is questionable (even the most enlightened person in the world could be having a bad day), there’s something you can do. Some people call it “bubbling up”. Put yourself in an energetic bubble of white protective light. Imagine an egg- shaped white light around you through which only positive energy can penetrate. You will be protected. Recreate the bubble as needed, whenever you feel it wearing off or you simply get the impulse to do it. Trust yourself. There’s probably a reason for your impulse.
Be very choosy about the stuff around you, now that you know you are literally exchanging energy with it. How can you evaluate the energetic vibration of things? Start by rubbing your hands together to activate the chakras, or energy centers, in your hands. You may have heard of the seven chakras in our bodies. Well, we actually have hundreds, maybe even thousands of chakras, including those in our hands. This rubbing of the hands will sensitize them as the chakras open up. Now hold your hands about six inches above the item you want to feel the vibration of. Try it with, say, a pile of potato chips and then a pile of organic fruit. Can you feel the difference in the vibration? You can do the same with items of clothing, jewelry, anything really. Choose the items to put in and around your body that have the highest vibrations.
You’ve heard of safe sex. Well, that’s not a bad idea at all. I would, however, also recommend safe S.E.X.!
March 20, 2012 (10:14 pm)
Thanks for the safe S.E.X. advice.
Maria Merloni
March 21, 2012 (3:25 am)
Hey anytime