I’m Baaaack

I've been on "sabbatical" for a while. I haven't had a desire to write. Although, recently, I realized it's not because I truly do not have a desire to write. It's because I was having a competing desire to hide. To hide from being seen in the world. To hide from revealing such personal things to the whole world, while I'm doing amazing work like teaching women's workshops on female ejaculation. And doing individual sessions with women and couples in which I teach and perform G-spot massage which is life-changing for these women....

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The Big Projection

Do you know what projection is?  Being a therapist and life coach, I see it often.  It is the unconscious defense mechanism that people use when they take some part of themselves, project it onto someone else, and notice it in the other. Lately, it's been coming to me more and more how much religion is based on projection.  I will speak about this in terms of Christianity, which is the realm of religions I know best, having been raised Catholic. Let's take a look at a few of these projections:...

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On Female Bisexuality

Just the other day I had yet another conversation with a friend who said: "I used to think I was a lesbian." I can't tell you how many women my age have told me that same thing. And I can relate, because there was a period of time during which I thought I was a lesbian, too. What appears to be true about me all the women I know who've had this experience is that they are in fact bisexual, not lesbians. But back in the days when women my age were discovering their sexuality, bisexuality was much less talked about or acknowledged. It was either you were straight or you were gay....

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8/13/13 Was a Big Day!

It was the day I committed to fulfilling my life purpose in the world.  It was the day I said my "Sacred Yes", as my friend and colleague Johanna Lyman calls it. Sure, I have said it before, not knowing that I really didn't mean it. Are you ready for some straight talk?...

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I’m One of THOSE People

You know those funky, new age hippies that believe in things they can't see?  Yeah, I'm one of those people! I was driving in my car yesterday and I realized how much I censor myself about many of my beliefs and practices when I'm around certain people.  I don't want them to know, to judge me as crazy or weird.  That's how my ego mind thinks about it.  Really, though, I suspect it goes deeper than that.  I think my fear is at least partly due to the many past lifetimes in which I was persecuted, jailed, and killed because of my abilities and practices.  And yet I know that the plan for me and all of us is to create a different experience this time. I have been so amazed at how much revealing has helped me overcome my fears in my relationship that I thought:  maybe outing myself can help with this fear too.  So here goes my list:...

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The “D Word”

That's what my daughter used to call "divorce" when she was five.  When her dad and I got divorced.  Interestingly, she was unknowingly reflecting the attitude of our whole society toward divorce.  We treat it is if as it were a bad word.  Kind of like Valdemort from Harry Potter.  The unmentionable. Depending on how you look at the statistics, the divorce rate in America is somewhere between 40% and 70%.  It is generally considered a bad thing that the divorce rate is where it is.  And America is not even in the top five countries worldwide for the incidence of divorce. Yes, the divorce rate in America is high.  And I would say that if people were to be honest with themselves and each other and end their marriages when they were really over, the divorce rate would be much higher.  More like 85 to 90 percent....

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Open Your Eyes

The other day during my massage, a message came through for me:  "open your eyes".  That's all.  No hints.  Just those three words.  Sheesh, non-physical is so damn mysterious sometimes! ;) The immediate hit I got was that is was something positive, some blessing in my life that I'm not seeing, that's so right-in-front-of-my-eyes that I am overlooking it.  And my massage therapist had the same impression.  So- a double confirmation that it was something good! Of course,. that still didn't stop my unconscious mind from waking me up in the middle of the night and presenting about ten horrible scenarios that the message could have been about.  (Did you ever notice how so many things seem worse in the middle of the night?)...

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I Saw my “Friend”- Twice!

I'm talking about my friend the Barred Owl.  I saw it about a year ago and blogged about it.  Then recently, I saw the same type of owl two more times.  Animal totems change throughout people's lives, and I'm quite sure now that this owl is my animal totem since at least a year ago.  Determining which animal is your totem is not about simply seeing the animal here or there; it's about the way in which the animal is seen.  It's usually in a notable way.  ...

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‘Til Death do us Part?

Really?!  I don't know about you, but deep down inside, I have always had a "niggle" about this phrase...something that in my body I could feel I was not okay with, but that I could not put into words... And then, just as I had been writing about love affairs and such this week, in my inbox was my daily Abraham quote that read:...

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