I’m still on this theme of questioning things. Today I am going to try something new: I am going to wonder, here, about all the assumptions I/we have made about sexuality, sex roles, and relationships. Well, okay, not all of them, there are probably too many to count. Perhaps you would like to read mine and then come up with some of your own. Or, respond to some of mine at the end of this blog. In any case, I hope this inspires some orignal ideas in you!
I wonder why women traditionally wore skirts and dresses and men pants?
I wonder why women started shaving almost every square inch of their bodies?
I wonder why most people still think the man is supposed to be the first one to call (or, in this day and age, text )?
I wonder why some men think it is wrong to swear in front of women? I wonder why most swears are related to sex, body parts, and bodily functions?
I wonder why people don’t talk about sex as openly as they do about what they had for dinner last night? I wonder what it would be like if they did?
I wonder why sex is described as “dirty” by some? What’s dirty about it?
I wonder what exactly is un-manly about crying?
I wonder why men tend not to like cuddling, and women tend to love it?
I wonder why it is generally easier for men to separate love and sex than it is for women?
I wonder why men started opening doors for women?
I wonder why people think there is a prescribed amount of time they “should” wait to have sex with each other? Why can’t it just be when they both feel ready, whenever that may be?
I wonder why if a man has sex with a lot of women he is considered a stud, but if a woman has sex with a lot of men she is considered a slut?
I wonder who invented the idea of sex before marriage being bad?
For that matter, I wonder who invented the idea that sex itself is just plain bad?
I wonder who came up with the idea that big boobs are preferable to small boobs?
I wonder why so many people expect their partners never to be attracted to someone else, once they are coupled?
I wonder why big cocks are considered better than small ones?
I wonder why big muscles are usually considered attractive on a man, but not on a woman?
I wonder why homosexuality and bisexuality are still considered such a big deal (sinful even!) to some people?
I wonder why casual sex is generally frowned upon?
Just so you know, I ‘m not asking any these questions with the assumption that any of these practices or beliefs are either “bad” or “good”; simply with the intent to let go of all assumptions and invite both myself and you to consider these follow-up questions: Does this feel good to me? Does this work in my life? What do I choose for myself and my relationships?
And of course, you and I are always free to try something on and then later decide to try something else. We are constantly evolving beings. One final question, then: What serves me now?
October 2, 2012 (9:18 pm)
I’m wonder too…
Maria Merloni
October 4, 2012 (1:38 pm)
that’s good!