What Are You Open To?
I had a cool learning experience the other day.
I woke up in one of my foul moods. To tell the truth, I don’t even remember all the details; I think it was one of those “bad dream hangovers”. All I know is that I was starting to have “one of those days”. You know what I’m talking about, right? When all seems wrong with the world? Yeah, that kind of day.
I decided to go for a run. Just about always a good choice- to exercise- for all of us when we are out of sorts, right?
So I’m running, and I’m running, and I’ve gone far enough at this point that I’d usually be feeling better. And I’m not. Then suddenly I notice that I have not seen ONE HEART on the whole jog. Normally, I will see at least ten or more on an average walk or jog.
I immediately get mad at the Universe for not showing me the love on THIS of all days, when I need those reminders the most.
I start looking for the hearts, and I STILL don’t see them. (WTF, God/dess?)
And then a light bulb goes off in my head. (If you were jogging with me, you would have heard the click of that light bulb, it was so loud.) “Ohhhh”, I thought to myself. “Maybe I haven’t seen any hearts because my state of mind hasn’t ALLOWED me to see any. Maybe if I just open to the love, open myself to the support, I will see them.”
So I consci0usly make a decision to open to the possibility that I haven’t been abandoned by the Universe, that perhaps I am ALWAYS supported even when my perception tells me otherwise. It’s not that this was a new thought for me to have; I simply needed to remind myself of it.
And of course, next thing I know, hearts are popping up everywhere. In the leaves on the ground, in the rocks, in the dirt…”Well, THAT was easy”, I thought.
You know what else it was? A great example of how WE create everything in our lives!
Have you ever noticed that when you are expecting to see something, like a spider, everything looks like a spider, even if there’s not really one there?
Or that when you are looking for something, like say a can of beans in your mother’s pantry, yet you are pretty sure you’re going to have trouble finding it-it could be right in front of your eyes, and you WON’T see it?
Could it be that our expectations create our “reality”? That our perceptions color our experiences? Hint: YES
And if that is so, then why not start at least opening to the possibility of things turning out better than we think they’re going to? Of our lives becoming fun and easy? Or even of manifesting everything we desire?
Well, I mean besides the OBVIOUS reason that to most of us that is terrifying?!
I don’t know about you, AND I am starting to prefer the creation of what I really want to the drama. It’s totally worth the occasional (okay, frequent) terror…And you?
Tony Bogardus
January 2, 2016 (6:40 pm)
Parts of this blog reminded me of that old saying, “To someone with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”