The REST of the Story
Before you start thinking that I am Paul Harvey (probably no chance of that, huh?), allow me to explain. You may have noticed, I was telling a story for a little over a year. It was the story of my life as a polyamorous person, in a poly relationship for the first official time. And then at the end of last year, my partner moved in with me. And, then I pretty much stopped writing about our relationship. You may have been wondering why.
In case you were, in a nutshell, here’s why: things between us started to get more challenging. Not, this time, in the area of polyamory so much as simply in the way that relationships tend to get more complicated when the commitment is deepened. And some of what was going on had me in a crazy head space. And also some of it started too feel too personal to share in this blog.
I certainly wouldn’t say things are perfect now, and I would say I’ve regained my equilibrium a bit. I would also say, although some things about what has transpired probably are more personal than stuff I am willing to share, others aren’t. So my intention is to back up a bit and continue chronologically from where I left off. In my next blog, not this one. This one is simply to talk about the proverbial “elephant in the living room”, so to speak, and to let you know of my intentions. (And, I don’t have it laid out in my head- what I want to talk about. I don’t know what it’s going to look like. And that’s okay. I’ll just be winging it, which I very often do in my life.)
The reason I have shared so much about our relationship in the first place, and will continue to do so, is because I know that many of the experiences (I prefer not to call them mistakes, lol) we have gone through can be of service to others. Maybe you are monogamous. Maybe (probably) you have not been in the same circumstances. None of that matters. We are all human beings with the same basic feelings and the same basic conflicts that come up in relationships.
Plus, it’s just damn good entertainment. You may have noticed…my life is not boring!
In any case, I plan to keep going with the real-life relationship experiences and the real-life relationship blogging. So re-fasten your seat belts. The ride is about to begin….again.
June 26, 2014 (10:31 pm)
Commenting on your last two blogs, I think because you are willing to share your life through a blog more people will understand that “poly” and “slutty” are not synonymous. Your blog should make people realize that it takes a very high level of personal integrity to just maintain a poly lifestyle. I hope you keep writing.
Maria Merloni
June 27, 2014 (12:30 pm)
Thank you, Susan. I just got scared/went into hibernation for a while; however, I am recommitting to blogging once a week.
Chris Graham
July 11, 2014 (9:17 pm)
i always find you entraining
Maria Merloni
July 14, 2014 (3:09 pm)
Lol, I try!