The Four Clairs
As promised, today I am going to talk about the “four clairs”. The four clairs are the four ways that we can receive information from non-physical. They are: clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentience, and clairaudience. If you’re not familiar with the four clairs, this may sound far out. But chances are you have either experienced these things yourself, or know someone who has.
For instance, have you or anyone you know ever had the experience of having a body sensation and knowing something was “wrong”? One of my good friends has this experience fairly commonly. When her step-daughter’s mother was in the hospital dying, she felt it in her own body. She was nowhere in the vicinity of the woman who was dying, and didn’t even have a close bond with her in this lifetime, but she knew when death was impending. She told her step-daughter to go to the hospital, without delay, and sure enough the woman died shortly thereafter. That’s a typical example of clairsentience. It’s that queasy feeling in the stomach, or the chills that can come over your body. Any physical sensation, really, can be telling you something if you are willing to listen.
Then there’s claircognizance. That’s the phenomenon of receiving messages through one’s thoughts. I would say this is the most common way I receive messages, personally. Of course, we all have thoughts every day all day. So, how can we tell the difference between our “regular” thoughts and claircognizance? Sometimes we can’t. We’re not always going to know. But in general, there’s usually something different about the quality of these particular thoughts. For me, I get a sense that they’re coming from somewhere behind me, and the thoughts sort of roll into my head rather quickly.
In clairvoyance, the message comes in the form of an image. It may be a sort of “in the mind’s eye” kind of image, or it may seem as real as the objects in a room (with a little more fuzziness around them, perhaps). Personally, for example when I’m healing, I see things in my mind’s eye. I will often see my hands placed somewhere on the person’s body, which indicates to me where I am being guided to place my hands next. Others see events from the person’s past happening, or an animal (which can often indicate the person’s totem animal at the time), for instance.
And finally there’s the experience of clairaudience. That is when people literally hear their messages. Some people hear their names being called. Others hear instruction. One of our meditation group members set the intention to begin hearing. With continued daily meditation over a period of months, he was able to achieve that. Others hear from a very young age. I’m quite sure that some of those that have a natural ability to hear get labeled as mentally ill and put on medication for it. I understand that many of the saints had the gift of clairaudience.
We all have the ability to cultivate and manifest all four types of receiving messages if we want to. If that is your desire, as I said, meditation helps. So does setting the intention. As does believing it is possible. To some, it comes quite easily. They have cultivated their abilities in past lifetimes and find it fairly easy or even automatic in this lifetime. Others have to take steps to begin receiving messages. If you’re in that category (which the majority of us are, including me), it can be a very worthwhile endeavor. Being connected to non-physical can make life just a bit easier. We start to have more experiences or synchronicity, of being in the right place at the right time, of being delightfully surprised…and who doesn’t want that?
March 11, 2012 (5:32 pm)
I get all 4..with varying degrees….but seeing is my main one at the moment……sometimes I will Know more…it depends….
Maria Merloni
March 12, 2012 (12:39 pm)
That’s awesome. Also makes me wonder if certain ones become more prominent at different times in our lives, and what that means…
March 14, 2012 (1:22 am)
I haven’t figured this out …..I will have to KEEP TRACK…..I do know that it started with hearing…then knowing…then seeing…It”s a different postman most times