Law of Attraction in Action
I forgot. The good news is, it’s been so long (apparently, since I felt really sh*tty) that I actually forgot what happens. The bad new is, it’s bad, lol.
Then I realized: it’s a good teaching point. This is the Law of Attraction in Action (see how that rhymes)? The Law of Attraction is that thing that makes life so that when we are on a roll, more and more good things keep happening. And when we are in the dumps, more and more bad things keep happening. Did you ever notice that life is like that? Like attracts like. When my vibration is at a high level, I attract things energetically that match it. The reverse is also true, unfortunately. These pesky Universal laws always have a caveat ;).
So recently, things like this keep happening: I go to take a panty liner out of the box, not realizing that both ends of the box are open, and drop all of them onto the floor. Yay. It’s bad enough I’ve been bleeding for three freaking weeks (yeah, my uterus cries when I have a huge loss, this happened when I got a divorce, too), now I just “unsanitzed” my panty liners all over the bathroom floor. Or, like this: I get paid by one of the insurance companies I bill monthly and see that I f*cked up my billing so badly in August (this feeling bad did not start overnight, it was gradual) that now in September I’m only getting paid like two thirds as much as usual. And, I have more bills than I ever thought possible in the same month. I don’t have to go on. You can identify, right?
What’s the solution to this kind of thing, you might ask? (Because, really, who wants to put up with this kind of crap for very long?) Keep taking steps every single day to shift your vibration, little by little. If you are going through a down period in your life, you will probably not be able to create a night and day shift quickly. And, you can go one notch at a time. Things you can do include:
1. Start a gratitude journal. Write down three to five things every day that you are grateful for.
2. Eat wicked healthy. Raises your vibration.
3. Spend time around uplifting people.
4. Figure out what is making you feel yucky, and do something about it. In this case, I am actively doing my grief work every day so I don’t have to feel like this forever.
5. Keep reaching for a thought that is one level above the horrible type of thoughts that you are probably prone to thinking right now. Don’t go for the gigantic leap. You won’t buy it. Go one step up. For example, if your thought is: “This day is probably going to suck”, don’t say: “This is going to be the best day of my life.” Instead, try something like: ” I hope something good happens today” or “I wonder what good thing may happen today?”.
6. Anything else you need to do to feel better- like, see a therapist or coach, go on meds, etc.
If you follow steps like these, and perhaps make up some of your own (you can do it), little by little, you will start feeling better and then the things you attract into your life will more positive. I have already decided I’m choosing that path ’cause, seriously, just say no to feeling sh*tty any longer than absolutely necessary!
Chris Graham
September 28, 2014 (1:38 pm)
I knew you were bleeding and i like step #3
Maria Merloni
September 29, 2014 (12:24 pm)