“Kissing Break!”
We interrupt this program to have a kissing break….
More accurately, I interrupt these blogs about the history of my primary relationship to tell you about what we call kissing breaks.
Similar to naked cuddling, this is something I suggest that all couples do. Now, obviously (hopefully), you are already kissing daily, or as often as you see each other. And let me be clear- I do not mean those kisses on the forehead or pecks on the cheeks or lips. I mean those deep, full-presence, kisses that leave you woozy.
For example, my partner informed me this morning that the last surviving member of the group The Ramones just passed away. Playfully (using that as an excuse to suggest that we make out), I suggested a kissing break in the kitchen to commemorate the death. And then we kissed. For a long time. And it was an amazing way to start the day. And then my partner, just as playfully- well ok, more haha- said he kissed me for so long because all of the songs The Ramones did were about three minutes long, or longer.
Or, alternatively, I could have received his news about this guy dying by simply saying “that’s too bad”, and then asking him if he was ready to go to the recycling center with me.
I don’t think I need to explain how option A, the one I chose, is waaaaaay more fun than option B.
So, how does one suggest a kissing break? Simple. Just announce: “kissing break” whenever you have a desire for one, and see if your partner plays along. It is a fun, sexy way to increase the intimacy and feeling of connection in your relationship, not to mention how good it is for your health!
Here are some other times that you may want to incorporate kissing breaks into your lives:
1. When you are driving somewhere together, and the light has just turned red. Good time for a (short-ish) kissing break.
2. When you are watching something on tv together, for example a baseball game, and there’s a commercial.
3. When you and your partner are starting to get cranky with one another for some reason. It works well to diffuse irritability.
4. When one or both of you is getting stressed out by something. For example, when we were in Costa Rica last February, we got scammed by some guy at a gas station. He got us to go inside the store while he pretended the gas was not able to be pumped until it was done being delivered. In the meantime, he punctured our tire with a nail and then sent us to the shop located conveniently next door to pay to get our tire patched. Driving away from there, I was so angry that any human being would do that, I think there was smoke coming out of my ears. My boyfriend responded by pulling the car over and giving me a good, long kiss. I was cured! Anger…what anger?
5. Any time you are feeling disconnected from your partner.
6. Any other time you feel like it, aka just for the heck of it!
Rinse and repeat. This may sound so simple and obvious, and I ask you, how many of us really do it in our relationships? The reward is so great. Surely, it is worth the thirty seconds to three minutes out of your day. And, sometimes, if we are really lucky, kissing breaks lead to “extreme naked cuddling”. I’ll bet you can guess what that is. And that is just plain good for everyone!