Incubus and Succubus
The other night some of my friends and I went out to dinner, and the topic of incubus and succubus came up. Historically, these terms have been meant to describe either a male (incubus) or female (succubus) demon having sex with a woman or man while (s)he is asleep. In the Christian tradition, it has also been said that having repeated experiences like this can lead to poor health and even death. Once again, notice how the church has made sex into something evil, even deadly.
What we have learned about incubus and succubus during channeling sessions is that it is just another form of Synergistic Energy Exchange, with non-physical in this case. Our guides tell us that it is a glorious experience. My friend who channels is the most interested in it among us, and they tell us that she will learn how to do it first and then teach others. I can’t wait!
In fact, I have another friend who experienced it years ago, and described it to me. She had started to become aware of her guides, and to have communication with them. One of them, “Mark”, asked her if she wanted to have that experience incubus, without actually calling it that. She was not asleep. She told him that yes, she wanted to merge with him. And then she waited and created the experience through her intention and her openness to it. She said it was not the kind of “sex” that we as humans have at all; it was more of a full body experience, not a genital one, and wonderfully impossible to describe. I’ll bet it was!
I think it’s another example of how we can’t just assume that things we’ve been taught in the past, especially through religion, are true. It is time for each of us in this New Era to re-examine all of it, sift through it, and find our own truth. Yes, religion can and has been helpful to some, and it has also been the cause of much violence, murder, shame, and misery. It is possible to have only the positives that religion brings, with none of the negatives, through spirituality. God(dess) surely does exist, just not in the way that any religion says it does. People have projected their egos onto the religious God(dess) of their choice for centuries, complete with the human traits of jealousy, wrath, and judgment. Do you really think that, if you buy that Source exists, it would exist in that way? Honestly?! What kind of a crappy deal would that be? Life is not that terrible, really.
Getting back to the topic at hand: I for one certainly would not mind finding out what incubus is like, whether I were awake or asleep. In fact, I wish non-physical would have S.E.X. with me while I’m asleep. It sounds like the only thing that could make sleep more heavenly than it already is!
January 23, 2013 (1:35 am)
I hope you don’t mind a few questions that are a little off topic, but your blog really inspired a whole range of thoughts for me on this subject.
What is your opinion about male/female designation for spirits? Do you think that there is female energy and male energy that maintains their gender even when they are not in human form?
A very Christian concept is that God created man in his own image – but really I think man created God in his own image. It is what is known, what is safe, what is not scary, what else would man do? And wouldn’t a fundamental Christian religion create the gender specific “evil” Incubus and Succubus to do the most emotional damage?
When we channel our own spirit guides do we assign the gender necessary for us completely accept the offered information? Or do spirits maintain their gender even after they return to the source?
And does non-physical sex even require a gender to be amazing?
Maria Merloni
January 23, 2013 (1:06 pm)
Here is my understanding about the sex of spirit guides, or angels for that matter. Truly, none of them has a sex. None of our own souls have a sex, either (nor does Source). AND, our guides do have a tendency to lean more heavily toward one sex or the other, based not on the number of past lives they led as that sex, but on the collective significance of those lives as either male or female. And also, I think they assign themselves a gender because it helps us as humans relate to them more (same with names; they don’t really have names, per se).
If what you mean by “man created God in his own image” is that man projected his own being-ness onto God to create the image of God that (s)he has, then yes, I agree.
And I also agree that the Christians did come up with the idea of the “evil” incubus and succubus being either male or female depending on the sex of the “victim”, consciously or unconsciously, because that would be creepier and more frightening to us.
Hahaha, I do NOT think that non-physical sex even requires a gender to be amazing!
Thank you so much for your thought provoking questions! xo
February 24, 2013 (10:37 pm)
For those new to, experienced with (or struggling with) incubus/succubus experiences and feel they need somewhere to go to a new community has opened:
also some brief comments or questions can be posted on FB page ( you may wish to use a non identifying account)
Maria Merloni
February 25, 2013 (1:17 pm)
Thank you for posting this info!