God/dess on Steroids
In my spiritual evolution, I have come to a place of understanding not just with my mind, also with my heart and body- in my cells even- that I AM God/dess. For me, the days of praying to some “God” that is separate from me are over. I don’t really pray anymore. I connect in. I remember who I really am.
And then this morning on my jog, I got another “hit” that took things even a step further. I/you am not only God/dess; we are more than that. We have chosen the ultimate challenge. We are God/dess in a human body, complete with an ego. And if that’s not a challenge, I don’t know what is!
If you’re anything like me, you’ve had moments in your life when you’ve asked yourself the question: “What the hell was I thinking when I signed up for THIS lifetime?” I mean, really, things can get pretty dicey here on the earthly plane, no?
So, why DID we make this choice?!
That story starts with what I think of as the boredom of God/dess. Before Earth existed, before anything beyond God/dess existed, there was just pure Source energy. All that bliss got boring after a while. Bliss, eventually, doesn’t seem that blissful, when that’s all there IS. No contrast. So God/dess decided to create other stuff, like planets and life, so that IT could could experience itself THROUGH that stuff. Mix it up a little, ya know?
Our souls are bits of God/dess. Now, not all souls are choosing to be here. And, frankly, I understand Earth is not exactly a picnic compared to other places a soul could be. You may have noticed that once or twice.
Every one of us here is SO kick-ass that we have decided to challenge ourselves with this experience. We are sooooo courageous (I really prefer that over “crazy”, stick with me on this one). One could make the argument that it is much more difficult to be God/dess in a human body that to simple be God/dess in perpetual Universal bliss. We are the over-achievers of existence. Yes, even the ones of us that appear to be under-achievers. Don’t be fooled.
So, yes, this morning on my run, this is the light bulb that went on. (Runs, by the way, are the perfect breeding ground not only for pain and dread, also for enlightenment and inspiration.) I was at the pain and dread place, a few dozen times. And every time, I went to my remembering who I am place. When I do this, I draw energy up through the earth with my breath, and remind myself simultaneously “I am God.”
Heck, it’s “easy” to be God. Being God on Earth- not so easy. WE are God/dess on steroids. Let no trick of the ego convince you there is something you cannot do.