Acceptance Versus Resistance

Recently I posted about meditation.  The purpose of meditation is to release resistance.  Resistance can be defined as all the negative thoughts and feelings which interfere with your being in your natural state. In other words, your ego.  Your natural state, on the other hand, is one of joy, love, and truth.  It is your God(ess) given birthright- but how much time do we spend in that state, really? Now let’s apply the same concept to your relationship.  What is the opposite of resistance?  It’s acceptance.  You know that prayer called the Serenity Prayer?  ...

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What do You Expect?

We all have expectations in relationships.  Where do they come from?  They come from our earliest memories of fairy tales.  They come from what we learned from our parents or other primary caregivers.  They come from the media- television, movies, and advertising.  In a sense, it doesn’t matter where they come from- the point is, we have them. And our expectations cause us at times to think that something’s “wrong”, when if fact perhaps nothing at all is “wrong”.  Perhaps the only thing that is “wrong” is the fact that we have expectations at all, ...

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Friends With Benefits: Are They Beneficial? (Part I)

This blog is probably not about what you think it is about.  I know, a lot of people out there have judgments about “friends with benefits.”  They think it never works out because really we are not “supposed” to be doing that anyway.  Sex without love? That’s wrong, how could anything good ever possibly come out of it?...

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To Be or Not to Be…Monogamous

Over the past year or so, I have been seriously looking at the idea that perhaps monogamy is not our natural state. In my life, I have rarely been monogamous, even when I had consciously intended to be. And it seems that the world is filled with such stories. Why are the infidelity rates so high? Is it because we are a people with very little integrity, or perhaps because trying to force ourselves into a monogamous mold is against our true nature? In the animal kingdom, it seems that monogamy is a very rare thing. For example, scientists long touted the heartwarming ...

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