Are you Ready for This?

I’m no astrologer, and I can tell you that there’s big planetary stuff going on right now.  In general, the earth is going through a shift; many of us are aware of that, both through our reading and through our personal experiences.  And, this month in particular, the sh*t is really hitting the fan, culminating in a powerful full moon at the end of the month (the 29th in the U.S., the 30th in some places around the world).

So what does all this have to do with you, you might be asking?  Well, first of all, when I say “sh*t hitting the fan”, that is not necessarily a bad thing. (By the way, who came up with that saying anyway?  Who would actually sh*t into a fan?!)   As with many things in life, it may feel like a bad thing while it’s happening, and it’s also a huge opportunity.  Have you noticed that lately one thing after another is happening in your life?  Even more than usual?  My understanding is that September is very powerful because what’s happening planetarily is causing anything that needs to be released or healed to come up.  Then we have a choice.  We can take the opportunity or not.

If you choose to take it, I’m not saying it’s gonna be easy.  I’m saying it’s gonna be worth it.  If you even start the process of releasing that which is no longer serving you in your life before the full moon, you’ll be good, provided that you follow through with what you’ve started even after the full moon.

If you choose not to take this opportunity, be prepared to live with what it is you are resisting letting go of for a while.

I recommend you pick choice “A”, as scary as that may be.  Face into it.  Get quiet.  Sense what needs to happen or not happen.  And when the full moon comes, you can create a ritual for yourself if you like, to release whatever you no longer want to hold on to.  This is best done under the light of the full moon.

I’d love to hear from you about what is coming up for you this month to be healed an released, and how you choose to respond!

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