A Fucking Good Mood
I am in a really fucking good mood right now. I mean REALLY fucking good! The kind of mood where I feel an abundance of energy coursing through my body, I feel love for myself and everyone else, and I am having one creative, fun thought after another. Yeah, that kind of good mood.
I wanted to make a point of announcing my mood in this particular way, as that is how it popped into my mind as I was kind of talking to myself about it. And then I thought: “I’m going to write a blog about that.” Not about my mood exactly; about the “fucking” part.
So, couple things about swearing. First, I know some people think God (insert name for your higher power here) frowns on swearing. God/dess fucking invented swearing, for Christ’s sake! (And no, God/dess doesn’t give a rat’s ass how you use It’s name or Jesus Christ’s or anyone else’s name for that matter.)
Not only that, swearing can be an effective way to communicate and release deep feelings. It helps us be more expressive. It’s good for us!
Now that we have that cleared up, let me say this: I have been more conscious and intentional with my swearing lately. My intention first of all is only to use swears in the way I have described above, as a tool to communicate and feel my feelings, and also in a particular way. Allow me to elaborate.
I choose to use the word “fuck” only when speaking about something good. “Fuck” is a good thing. “Fuck” is one of the best things going on the planet. Don’t get all bent out of shape, you can substitute “make love” here if you prefer. Same thing. It’s all love. I choose NOT to use the word “fuck” in a negative context. That simply reinforces the belief that sex is bad or evil or dirty. It is anything but. It is, in fact, a spiritual experience. Will you join me in changing the way we view sex by changing your own use of the word fuck?
Same applies to the words “cunt” and “prick” or (insert substitute for these words here). What I object to, besides putting someone down, is that these words are used to imply that male and/or female genitalia is a bad thing. When in fact lingams and yonis are lovely, lovely things. Again, I’m not down with making sex negative.
I am also aware that calling someone a “bitch” or a “bastard” or a (insert your expletive here) is another thing I am not in alignment with. Name calling; not really cool, yes?
Now, using an expletive like “damn” is okay, in my eyes. Damn refers to something negative. Well. actually “damn” is a “switch” word (little joke for my kinky friends there) that can be used to express the extreme of something negative OR something positive. For example, you stub your toe and it hurts: “Damn!” You see a super hot human specimen in your line of vision: “Damn!”
Same with shit. It’s okay to use “shit” to express something negative or something positive. Like, you get pulled over by the cops: “Shit!” You really like the week you’re smoking: “This stuff is the shit!” No one hurt or put down. Feelings expressed. Good.
I guess I would sum it up this way: As long as I am not making sex into a bad thing or being derogatory toward anyone with my swearing, I like it a lot. Swearing is fun. And fun is good.
Of course, I have not “arrived” in a perfect new habit of swearing only in the ways I have decided I WANT to swear. Old habits die hard. I am moving toward my ideal.
Ta daaaa. My soliloquy on swearing for today. What are your thoughts? I’d really fucking love to hear them.
Tony Bogardus
May 9, 2015 (6:11 pm)
Excellent fucking blog, RiRi! While I dig and agree with most everything you put forth, I don’t think I can completely fall in line with only using ‘fuck’ in a positive sense. Not only is it an old habit to yell, ”FUCK!!” when something goes wrong, but it actually helps me to feel better when I yell it in those situations. It’s kind of cathartic, like having a good cry. So, in a way, it IS actually a positive use of the word, because the end result is that I feel better. How’s that for rationalization? Haha
I have always been a proponent of swearing, for many of the same reasons you enumerate. I also have a strong attraction to women who swear….Not just random, ‘guttermouth’ swearing, but when an otherwise-‘proper’ female lets loose with a well-chosen expletive or three, it triggers a reaction from me that I can’t quite explain. I’m not sure I could ever be in a relationship with a woman who didn’t swear, at least occasionally, and I SURE couldn’t be with someone who was offended by MY swearing. If the folks I sit next to in church every Sunday had any idea of my default vocabulary, they would be horrified! And I kinda’ like that.
Maria Merloni
May 10, 2015 (2:37 am)
Each to his or her fucking own, Tony!
Tony Bogardus
May 9, 2015 (7:23 pm)
P.S. – Here in Baptist-controlled Jacksonville (as well as in many Bible-belt places, I’m sure) there is an odd variation on the whole ‘taking the Lord’s name in vain’ thing. When I was a DJ at a strip club here, it was absolutely fine for me to swear like a sailor, dropping f-bombs, referring to the dancer’s body parts in the most explicit ways, etc., but I could NOT say “Goddamn it!” or ”Jesus Christ!” I was told that the customers (drunk rednecks paying money to have mostly-naked women grind on them) might be offended!
May 9, 2015 (7:43 pm)
Fuck yeah
Maria Merloni
May 10, 2015 (2:37 am)
Great use of the word fuck, Beau. Thanks for modeling that for the readers!