A Master of “Time”

I did a quick, down-and-dirty sticky note technique for mapping out my goals in 2105.  I highly recommend doing this.  It doesn’t have to be a big-deal, “serious” thing.  Do some breathing or meditation for a few minutes, get out a sticky note, and just let the first three things that come up go from your heart-brain through your hand to your paper.  Start to finish, this exercise took all of three minutes.  And the last thing that came out for me was:  Become a master of “time.”  (Note: last doesn’t necessarily mean least important.)

I put “time” in quotation marks because it is actually an illusion constructed by us so that we have some kind of a sense of urgency to do what we came here to do….otherwise we might spend most of our lives lying around eating bon-bons….well, and maybe one other thing.  😉

In that vein, it is absolutely possible to “warp” time, and I have definitely done it before.  The first time was when I was driving to meet a friend in a new place, and had gotten lost on the way.  I looked at the clock in my car and realized I was definitely going to be late, which felt very not okay to me.  So I decided to try this technique I had heard of.  If time is an illusion, it is malleable, right?  I got a piece of paper and put it over the clock so I no longer had the ability to keep checking and worrying.  Then I simply drove to my destination.  Barely gave it another thought, which was part of the key.  When I got to the meeting place, it was exactly 10:00 a.m., the time we agreed to meet!  I knew I had warped time!  There was no other explanation for it.

What I mean by being a master of time, however, goes further than simply the ability to warp time.  My intention is to create a life in which I take my time, doing things at my essence pace, being present for my experiences, and having a distinct sense of spaciousness both in the way I feel about time, and in my actual schedule.  I want to allow things to flow through me instead of working hard.  I want to have plenty of time to engage in my life’s work, which I am abundantly paid for, plenty of time to be alone and be in touch with myself, and plenty of time to spend with those I love.

Love is actually the key word on all of this.  Go figure.  It seems that everything I write about boils down to love.  Through self-love, I create the life that I deserve to have for my own enjoyment, growth, and pleasure.  Through love for humanity, I offer my unique gifts to the world.  And through love for particular individuals (which includes many), I live in my essence among and with them.

Oh, yeah, and it all Synergistic Energy Exchange.  I just realized that.  Ha!

What do you want to create in 2015?  I invite you to try this exercise and share what you come up with!

2 Replies to "A Master of "Time""

  • Tony Bogardus
    March 19, 2015 (9:33 pm)

    I wrestle with ‘Time’ issues constantly! I think of the myriad interests I have, and the things I hope to do, and I get bummed that there will literally not be enough time to do them all, even if I live to be 100 (NOT bloody likely!)….And yet, I often spend (waste?) a couple of hours poring over Facebook, or watching a TV show that I don’t care one whit about, and then I get angry at myself for allowing some of my precious ‘Time’ slip away from me, with nothing to show for it.

    I, too, would like to lead a relaxed, well-paced life, and yet so many factors seem to conspire against it….One of the things that excites me most about my long-awaited Earthwalk is that it will have no time schedule, and I will be able to do things in whatever time they seem to require.

  • Maria Merloni
    March 19, 2015 (9:54 pm)

    I find that I am mastering my time most when I allow myself not to have a schedule, not to even look at the clock much at all (with the exception of keeping my appointments and agreements, of course. And then I just flow from one thing to another, enjoying myself, and sometimes I am amazed at how much I have already done and enjoyed (including work things) when I do finally see what time it is.