Thank You to My Lovers

Dear Lovers of the Past,

Thank you for the experience that we co-created together.  Even those of you with whom I didn’t even have sex.  You were still my lovers simply because we shared love.  Our involvement may have lasted for one hour,  one year, or much longer.  The length of time is irrelevant to my purposes today.  Each one of you “happened” for a reason.  Many times I did not realize what it was until afterward.  That is okay.  Thank you for being my partner in learning and growing.  Thank you for all the beautiful kisses, caresses, and lovemaking that we shared; and also for the sometimes not-so-beautiful.  All of it was the desire of my soul for the learning that I came here to do.  Thank you for the love that you gave;  I received it. Thank you for the joy I experienced in giving my love to you.  Thank you for doing things that I responded to with anger, sadness, and fear.  That was all part of my growth, too.  You helped me to stand up for myself; to say yes when I mean yes, and no when I mean no.  And, you gave me reason to learn to forgive, both myself and others.  All of the experiences we shared helped me get clear on what I want.  Sometimes the experiences helped me get clear on what I want by providing the contrast, a clear look at what I don’t want.  Thank you for all the laughs we had together.  Thank  you for all the fabulous adventures and all the complete disasters.  I see the value today in all of it.  Truly, the gifts you have given me are impossible to express in words.  Today, I honor you, and myself, for all of it.

Love, love, love,



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