No Wonder it Works!

Back in my social worker days, I did outreach to homeless people.  As part of my job, I would attend a monthly meeting with other clinicians from around the state who did the same thing, outreach to homeless people on the streets and in shelters.  Sometimes we would have guest speakers.  I clearly remember when one of my colleagues brought in one of her homeless clients to speak to us about his experience with breathing as a spiritual practice.  (Spirituality can come in very handy for homeless people- and well you know, all of us.)  He described how his breath comforted him during his darkest moments, and how it felt like his connection to God.  On an intuitive level, I totally got what he was talking about, yet I didn’t really have a clear grasp of the relationship between the two- breath and spirituality- at the time.

Years later, unexpectedly, I got my explanation.  In one of the daily Abraham quotes that I receive, (see blog titled The Energy Stream for more information about Abraham), it said that our breath is actually how we take Spirit into our bodies.  It is literally how Source Energy comes into our bodies.

To me, that explains a couple of things:  One, why when we stop breathing our bodies literally die.  When we cut ourselves off from Source spiritually, we die inside.  When we cut ourselves off from Source by no longer breathing, our physical bodies die.  We cannot live in these bodies without a steady supply of Source energy.  We ARE Source energy.

And two, it explains why it IS so comforting whenever we consciously breathe.  Whether it is just a few conscious breaths to do what I call “pressing the reset button”, or it is a full meditation, our breath connects us to Source, we can feel it, and that’s why it works. We are literally bringing Well Being into our bodies with every breath.

Very simple concept today.  Many times, the things I talk about are very simple.  And we can all use reminders of these things.  Sometimes it is the most obvious things that are the hardest to get.

2 Replies to "No Wonder it Works!"

  • Chris Graham
    April 11, 2012 (3:52 pm)

    Daily I am finding more and more opportunities to consciously breathe and it is a good thing! My yoga instructor tells me I am getting much better at it. Practice makes perfect!

    • Maria Merloni
      April 12, 2012 (10:37 am)

      I feel happy hearing this. Good for you!