Meditation Makes Me Horny!
Yesterday we were sitting, listening to channeling during meditation group, and our spirit guides asked a question- how can someone restore their sex drive when it appears to be lost? And this is what popped into my head: meditation. Meditation makes me horny. Of course, I blurted it out. I’m not one to hold back!
Literally very often while I am meditating alone, I can feel myself having sexual feelings arise in my yoni. (Yoni is a tantric word for “sacred place”, used to refer to the female genitalia without all the negative associations of a word like “vagina”. The word used instead of “penis” is “lingam”. It means “wand of light”.) And then when meditating in a room with others, sometimes this makes me horniER. This, of course, is because of the Synergistic Energy Exchange that is naturally happening in the room, even with all our clothes on, not touching each other, and not even necessarily having any sexual thoughts.
And here’s what our guides had to say about that: First of all, they affirmed that meditation does in fact work to raise libido. But they also said the REASON that it works is that it raises the kundalini energy in our bodies. Kundalini, simply put, is the natural energy of the self. And what’s true is that since we are in essence sexual beings, ALL of our energy IS sexual.
No, the existence of kundalini hasn’t been proven scientifically, but to me that means nothing. Lots of other things that were previously not scientifically proven, now are, such as the fact that our chakras, or energy centers, really do exist. Or the fact that white sage, when burned, really does purify the energy of a space or a human being.
So this kundalini energy sits at the base of the spine, coiled up like a snake. When a person meditates, it starts to rise in the body, up through the chakras. And this can create, among many other wonderful benefits, more sexual feelings.
To me, sex is one of the greatest gifts we can enjoy while here on the planet. Okay, it’s actually my favorite, even above massage and food, but who’s counting? I feel really sad when my sex drive appears to go underground. I miss it. (Just to reassure you, in case you were worried about me, right now it is alive and well!)
And I know there are so many people suffering with a low or non-existent sex drive. According to USA Today, 20 to 30% of men and 30-50% of women say they have little or no sex drive. Wow, those numbers are high! Low sex drives deprive of us being able to fully enjoy the gift of our sexuality. It is bad enough if we are single and have no sex drive (or, perhaps if that is the case we may be grateful, but not for long I predict), but when we are in a relationship and one or both partners are having trouble with libido, this can cause real difficulties.
If you are falling into that category right now, why not give meditation a try? It has no negative side effects, does not require a doctor’s prescription, it’s free, and you can do it just about anywhere.
Chris Graham
April 24, 2012 (6:38 pm)
Yoga does it for me
Maria Merloni
April 24, 2012 (9:47 pm)
Ah, so that’s why you have been doing yoga so much, eh?
Chris Graham
April 24, 2012 (10:19 pm)
yes mam
April 25, 2012 (12:52 am)
Meditation and yoga can both help increase our sexual energy.
Chris Graham
April 25, 2012 (2:22 am)
working on the balance
December 16, 2012 (4:39 pm)
I know this post is old, but last night while meditation it literally felt like I was having an orgasm.
Maria Merloni
December 16, 2012 (8:08 pm)
Nice! Yes, meditation can result in that kind of stuff. Feels great, doesn’t it? Thanks for sharing.
September 20, 2013 (5:13 am)
I dont how, but meditation supposed yo be mindfulness
Maria Merloni
September 20, 2013 (1:02 pm)
I agree. Meditation is mindfulness. Not sure what you are getting at. Do you mean: how can a person be mindful and turned on at the same time? I don’t think the two are mutually exclusive.