It’s Just a Game

I’m still on my God/dess kick from last week.  (When am I not?)

It got me thinking about the big picture some more.  If I am God/dess and you are God/dess, then what is this whole thing we are doing here anyway?  This thing we call life.  On the planet Earth.

We think all that goes on here is so all-important; I know I often do, anyway…yet is it, really? If we have come here with our OWN plan for ourselves (made in conjunction with God- which again is ourselves) to move our soul to the next level.  That’s it.  Our experience here can be thought of as God/dess dreaming about Itself.  It is less real than where we came from.  In fact, all that we see here is simply a persistent illusion.  A VERY persistent one.  Damn pesky at times.  😉  And the truth?  None of it is real.  Only Source is real.  Only the other realm (this is what I prefer to call “heaven”) is real.

You might say to me:  “Well, it is very important.  I came here with a mission.  I need to fulfill it!”  We all did, we came for a reason.  My mission is helping people fall more deeply in love with themselves.  Yours may be to learn, really learn, forgiveness.  Or surrender.  Or to help guide corporations toward the power of love instead of the love of power.  Really, though?  Do you know what happens if we don’t fulfill our mission(s)?  Sooner or later, no matter how “bad” things get, we go back to the other side.  And then choose to come back here again and try it over.  (I don’t know about you, but I’d rather just nail this one in this lifetime, thank you.  Really don’t feel the need to repeat some of the sh*t that got me to the place I am today.)

Or maybe you might say:  “But what about all the human suffering on Earth?  Isn’t that real?”  Well, not really.  I mean, yes, we feel things.  If your loved one died in the tsunami of 2011, you are devastated, yes?  Grief-stricken, angry, terrified.  We can’t avoid most of that stuff since we are human.  We do have egos.  We do have emotions.  Truth is, though, no matter what, when you get to that other realm you will be reunited with your lost loved one.  It will be like there was never any separation.  The separations- me from you, you from your deceased loved one, all the different “separations”- are illusions, too.  You can be with whomever you want to be with right this minute, if you know how to do that while you are still “alive” on Earth.

Plus there’s the BIG separation myth that we are separate from God or each other in the first place.  We are ONE.  When I look at you I see how the essence of God/dess appears when it filters through your anatomy.  We are all just different, yummy flavors of the same thing.

So, the next time you get all freaked out about some terrible thing happening in your life or on the planet, remember this:  none of it is real.  The real you is the soul inside of you.  It knows this is just a temporary thing we have chosen, and we ourselves are always in the driver’s seat.  If you don’t like it, change it.  Don’t know how?  Learn.  There are plenty of teachers out there.  Wake up to the dream.  (Not saying I’ve mastered this;I’m a work in progress, just like you.)

I know of a couple of guys who were onto the same thing.  Their names are Bill Hicks and George Carlin.  Have you ever seen seen their collaboration on You Tube?  I’ll leave you with this: Check it out.

2 Replies to "It's Just a Game"

  • Tony Bogardus
    April 13, 2015 (1:31 am)

    Hicks and Carlin are probably my 2 favorite comedians of all time….Hicks is easily #1. If you haven’t already, you should check out some of his other stuff on YouTube – it’s all brilliant.

  • Maria Merloni
    April 13, 2015 (6:15 pm)

    Actually I have never listened to him other than this one. I def want to check him out more. Thanks! 🙂