I’m Not Going To Lie

I’m not going to lie. It’s been an interesting week.  And I don’t mean “bad”.  A real mixed bag, actually.

Last week I had arthroscopic knee surgery.  So that’s a thing.  I’m doing well.  And, it’s still a thing.

At the same time, business is hopping!  I think I underestimated what a big deal it is to work full time while only having had surgery a few days earlier.  And, I’m not complaining.  My ideal clients are coming to me, and I love doing this work.

And then there are just a lot of people around me going through challenges right now.  I have a friend who had a much more serious surgery than I.  And family members who are going through their own stuff.  The list goes on. In some ways things are getting better – spring is obviously on its way, and more and more of us are feeling safer due to the vaccine…  

Oh, here’s some super exciting news:  I’m becoming a bee keeper!  I’ve always wanted to, and now things are magically falling into place for that to happen this spring.

Is your head spinning yet?

 Mine too.

Last night I said to my Beloved that it’s almost like my brain is hurting because there’s just so much in it.  Have you ever felt this way?  I haven’t really had time to process it all in between working, taking care of loved ones, and taking naps, which help with my recovery.

I’m probably going to sound really woo-woo when I say this, (oh wait, I AM really woo-woo) but I’m starting to think there’s some planetary, swirling energy thing going on too.  I don’t know, though.  I haven’t had time to look that up.

We all have times like this.  And especially during this pandemic.

What’s the antidote?  Peace.  Calm.  Quiet.  Naps.  Breathing.  I write, as I take a deep breath.  

Just a reminder.  In case you need it too. Usually these things are pretty synched up.  Like in yoga class when the teacher picks a theme and literally half the students can totally relate.  

I’m planning to take a lot of my own advice this weekend.

And, I wish you a weekend full of exactly what YOU need.

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