Does God Believe in White Lies?

In case you’re wondering, yes, this IS the kind of stuff I wonder about in my spare time.  But not for no particular reason.  A few things have happened that got me thinking about it.  First, our spirit guides have told us during channeling that they get their information from Source.  Then, I was reading a book called Mary’s Message to the World by Annie Kirkland.  It’s a channeled book.  In it, Mother Mary says some things that sound  more like traditional Catholocism than truth.  So I asked my guides about it.  In my mind, Mary wouldn’t lie, but then again, neither would my guides.  They said that in fact Mary had gone with some of the more traditional beliefs which aren’t exactly true, due to the audience that she was speaking to.  She knew if she said too many things that contradicted religious beliefs, the book would be rejected by many readers.  And she wanted to get her message out, so she compromised.   I assume that if spirit guides are informed by God, so are Ascended Masters like Mother Mary.  Then my friend asked her guides what she should do about a situation at home.  She didn’t want to go back to work right away after being laid off, as she was in a period of rapid spiritual growth, learning to channel, and all that.  At the same time, her husband was worried about money.  Every day he would come home and ask her if she’d looked for a job that day.  Our guides told her to tell him she was looking for a job even though she wasn’t, or wasn’t consitently doing so, at least.

I have gone to all ends of the spectrum with truth telling and lying.  I was always a fairly honest person.  I was the kind of person that would tell the cashier if they gave me too much change back, or didn’t charge me enough for something.   Then, in my mid-thirties,  I started cheating on my husband while I was married.  At that time, I was telling lies left and right.  They were just rolling off my tongue.  I’m not advising that anyone do this;  it was very bad for me, him, and our relationship.  I later went to life coaching school, where they emphasized telling the “microscopic truth”.  I became honest to the point  that others thought I was crazy.  I told my ex-husband about my infidelity. ( I don’t regret that, by the way.)

Now, I’m saying to myself, hmmmm, maybe there are circumstances in which it’s okay to tell a “white lie”.  I mean if it’s good enough for God and Mother Mary, maybe it’s really alright sometimes.  I have talked about this concept with a number of people.  There are varying opinions on whether it is okay to tell a white lie.  I’d say most folks do it at times and don’t feel guilty about it.  What do you think?  I’m very curious as to what experiences you’ve had with truth telling versus lying.  What results have you created with each?

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