Be Generous With Your Love- Part II

The second part of “being generous with your love” is to share that love with others.  (The first part being giving love to yourself, which I wrote about in my previous blog.)

The more you love yourself, the easier it is to love others and  the more you will notice things to love about them.

You will not be jealous of others’ good points when you know you have many of your own.  You will realize that each person simply has different lovable things that make up who they are.  There is no scarcity of loveable traits to go around.

Lately, I have been communicating what I call my “bursts of love” for my friends.  When I feel a sudden burst of love for someone, whether it’s in person or seeing their name in a game of Words With Friends (my current addiction ;)), I tell the person.  And then I get the added benefit of marinating in all the juicy love between us.

Or, I may have a simple compliment to give someone.  Last week I was noticing how a certain color that one of my clients was wearing looked really good with her complexion.  The color of her sweater matched the orange and pink undertones in her skin, and made her seemingly glow.  I wrestled for a moment over whether it was “appropriate” for me to speak my observation out loud…then I decided that giving a compliment is almost always appropriate, when the intention behind the compliment is pure.  And so I shared it.

I have told total strangers that I liked an item of clothing they were wearing.  And they have told me.

I have told my daughter more often when she looks beautiful, even when I know that my comment may be met with disagreement or the well-known eye roll.

One of my observations about being generous with my love toward others is that sometimes people seem extraordinarily happy when I do.  I don’t mean something like smiling and saying “thank you”.  I mean make-their-day kind of happy.  The kind of event that happens for someone just at the time when they need it most.  And means so much to them.

And, in the process of all this, I’ve noticed myself receiving more compliments,too.

Love begets love.  The more I love myself and notice the good things about myself, the more I do the same with others.  The more I share that love with others, the more it is multiplied.  And reflected back to me.  And before I know it, there’s an outright love-fest going on (and for once, I’m not making a sexual reference)!  And that, I am sure, there is not a thing wrong with!

Resolve that the next time you think something nice about someone, you will communicate it in some way.  Even if it’s a small appreciation, even if you’re scared the other person will think you’re nuts, or in love with them, or whatever the case may be.

I would love to hear about your experiences doing this!

Oh, and by the way, I’m feeling a burst of love for you right now!

2 Replies to "Be Generous With Your Love- Part II"

  • Mayang
    April 16, 2013 (6:33 pm)

    Those “bursts of love” feelings come more often as you become more of yourself.

    • Maria Merloni
      April 17, 2013 (12:18 pm)

      Thanks for that. Great way to think about it!