Introducing The Re-Frame!

You may or may not have heard of this concept before.  If you have, it’s okay.  I have found that much of life is a process of forgetting and remembering things.  Sometimes it is helpful to have another person remind you of something you may need to get back on your radar.  (In fact, I’ve had the thought that maybe that’s what we’re all here together for, to remind each other of the unconditional love and abundance that the Universe consists of.)  Even if you are familiar with re-framing, today, I hope I can be that person for you.

And, if you have no idea of what I’m talking about, here you go:  if you had a picture, and you put one particular color of frame on it, it would look a certain way.  It’s possible that the frame may even make the picture appear less attractive than before.  If, however, you put a completely different frame on the picture, it would still be the same picture, and, it would look different.  Perhaps better. You would be perceiving and experiencing it in a different way than before.

The same goes with situations in our lives.  I’ll give you a recent example from my life.  During the past seven weeks, while grieving the end of my primary relationship, (which- trust me- is a lot of exhausting work), I have also been on a very strict diet for medical reasons.  And do trust me again when I say this diet is a lot of work, too.  So, I have been very tired and in general just very tired of doing all the “right things”.  I have been doing all of the self-care things I talked about in last week’s blog, plus buying special food items for myself, taking numerous new supplements, and cooking a lot.  (Do note:  I actually hate cooking.  It’s not that I’m  bad at it.  I just don’t enjoy it.)  As you can imagine, with all of this on my plate, so to speak haha, I have had some resistance to doing it all every day.  And, I have done it all every day.  Being the freedom-lover that I am, it was starting to feel like I had to do all the work in both arenas, and it felt like drudgery at times.  And then I got the hit about using the re-frame:  instead of thinking of this stuff as a burden, I could think of it as an act of self-love every time I needed to do something which required yet more effort.

See the difference?  Putting the burden frame on it, it felt like work.  Putting the self-love frame on, it feels a lot more like something I want to do.  Of course I want to be self-loving.  This is now also a choice.  I don’t have to do these things.  And, I choose to do them so that I can expand even further in self-love.

The result?  I am making progress in my grief process, and progress with my health.  I feel empowered rather than pushed around by the Universe.  I chose both situations:  the break-up, and the health problem.  And, I choose both outcomes:  wholeness, strength, deeper self-love and vibrant health.

How do you choose to frame the things going on in your life?  What outcomes do you choose?

2 Replies to "Introducing The Re-Frame!"

  • Susan
    October 27, 2014 (7:53 pm)

    I totally agree with you – looking at things from an alternate perspective and at the same time keeping up a positive inner dialog can really help.

    Sending you good positive energy – I hope you are better quickly!

    • Maria Merloni
      October 28, 2014 (4:07 pm)

      Thank you, Susan! I am making progress on both fronts, with the grief and the health! Keeping up with it day by day…