Open Your Eyes
The other day during my massage, a message came through for me: “open your eyes”. That’s all. No hints. Just those three words. Sheesh, non-physical is so damn mysterious sometimes! 😉
The immediate hit I got was that is was something positive, some blessing in my life that I’m not seeing, that’s so right-in-front-of-my-eyes that I am overlooking it. And my massage therapist had the same impression. So- a double confirmation that it was something good!
Of course,. that still didn’t stop my unconscious mind from waking me up in the middle of the night and presenting about ten horrible scenarios that the message could have been about. (Did you ever notice how so many things seem worse in the middle of the night?)
After I finally got back to sleep, I woke early to take my morning jog as usual. I had that sense that I often get when I’m about to see wildlife. About forty yards in front of me on the wooded path I saw a deer still as can be, starting at me. She was a big doe, and she just stood there for a couple of minutes as I slowed my pace and my breathing down and walked toward her very slowly while projecting love outward with my eyes. I wanted to let her feel that I meant her no harm. For a minute, I thought I had turned into Snow White! I started to believe she was literally going to allow me to walk up and pat her. And then I came back to Earth! She did, however, allow me to get very close, maybe fifteen yards away before bounding off into the woods on my left. And then stopped again to stare at me from there.
I don’t know if the deer is an animal totem for me right now. Possibly, since it was such a profound experience and it was my second time seeing a deer at close range in three days.
The deer can be a symbol of a variety of things, but I don’t feel moved to go into those right now, except to say that it can be an animal totem of those that are sensitive and intuitive. That I am. And the mental message that rolled into my brain when I saw the deer went something like this: Blessings are as obvious to see as this one right here in front of you. They are all around. You need only look to see and appreciate them. Sometimes you focus on the negative and cannot see the rest. Keep your eyes open to see all the blessings and opportunities around you.
I think that’s true. I do sometimes tend to focus on the “bad” stuff in my life. Having recently gone through what I call a “dark night of the soul” in 2011/2012 (it was a long one!), I tend to be afraid, I think, to believe that things are really as good as they are now!
I also know that I am not the only one who loses sight of the blessings at times.
I knew, as I continued on my jog, feeling blessed, that I would also share this message with all of you. For I know the message was meant not just for me, but for all of us.