I Am a Gem…And so Are You.

This phrase, and the knowledge that I was going to write this blog, came to me a couple of nights ago.  It was just after a session with a client.  I was tuned in during the session in a way that I have rarely been before in this lifetime.  Sometimes the Universe delivers the goods just to give me a sign when I need it most. 

So here’s what happened.  Last week, I had very transparently expressed some envy I had been feeling toward a friend whose life had become, in my perception, “magical”.  She had recently had some huge breakthroughs in her career, and I was making up a story that she had “made it” and I was not where I should be, would never make it, blah, blah, blah.  (By the way, when I say, “blah, blah, blah”, I mean:  think of that voice from Charlie Brown when the adults are talking; meaningless chatter.  That’s  my ego carrying on.)

It was hard for her to hear my truth, and she loves me so much that after she expressed her sadness, she said she wanted to help me move through this.  And she did.

A more balanced view of the situation is this:  she has connected to Source in a way that has at times made her life seem magical.  Things are easier for her, in some ways, than they’ve ever been.  She often does not need to plan things, they just come through her when the time arrives.  And, life is not easy for anyone all the time.  This “magic” has also come about because of the very deep work she has been doing on herself.  And that kind of deep work involves emotional pain.  It’s not like anyone gets to a certain place and has “arrived”. The learning edges keep appearing, growth continues, and pain is still a part of it.

So I went forward with renewed hope and faith in myself, to keep plugging away, putting one foot in front of the other, even if sometimes I don’t even know where the path leads.  (Usually, truth be told!)  And I reconnected spiritually at a deeper level.  More meditation.  More prayer.  More asking for help.

And then I had a magical session with a client.  I knew a number of things I would have had no way of knowing had I not been so plugged in.  I used my knowing, my body sensations, and other psychic tools to help this client get have a breakthrough in one of the most challenging areas of her life.   And I felt completely confident in my knowing and my being of service to her.  It was a very joyful experience for me, to be so much in the flow.  In fact, it was magical.  Ah, I thought, that’s how easy it can be!

Afterwards, I was feeling so much love and appreciation for myself, and that’s when the phrase came:  “I am a gem.”  As I prepared to burn the sage I always burn when a client leaves my office, I knew that I had just experienced a taste of what my friend has been experiencing for a long time.  And I got it at a cellular level:  It’s not that she’s special.  It’s that she surrendered the fear, the resistance, the ego, enough to let the magic happen.  And I can do it too.  And so can you.  It’s not that my friend is special.  It’s that we all are.

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