On Being Single

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night to pee.  I know, nothing out of the ordinary, right?  But what happened next was. For some reason, while I was sitting there, the fact that I am alone, I am single right now, came up.  And for a split second I felt sad.  And then, the message (from...somewhere) popped in: “Enjoy it while you can.”  Next, I started to effortlessly make a mental list of all the benefits of being single: - I hardly shave anything, ever anymore - I sleep fabulously at night (with the occasional pee break!) - I never worry about ...

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Love is…in my Hot Chocolate?

Yesterday morning I was feeling kind of melancholy.  So I decided to write in my journal. (By the way, that is a good thing to do when you are feeling out of sorts; it helps to clarify your thoughts and feelings when you get them down on paper.)  I settled down to write, but then realized I was cold. So I got up to make myself a cup of hot chocolate.  But then I opened the cabinet to get the hot chocolate mix, and I saw the Italian bread.  (You see how these things go with me, right?)  Eventually, I did do my writing, but first I ended up at the kitchen table with ...

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Soul Linking

Last week I wrote about accepting your partner, listening to him or her with an open heart and an open mind.  Well, I realize sometimes that works better than others.  Sometimes our egos still get in the way, try as we might to work things out. Fortunately for us, we have more than the ego and the personality to work with.  We are all made up of three parts- mind, body, and spirit (or soul).  Whether it be with your partner, or in any other type of relationship, if the mind is not getting the job done, perhaps you can try soul linking. Soul linking is a process ...

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Acceptance Versus Resistance

Recently I posted about meditation.  The purpose of meditation is to release resistance.  Resistance can be defined as all the negative thoughts and feelings which interfere with your being in your natural state. In other words, your ego.  Your natural state, on the other hand, is one of joy, love, and truth.  It is your God(ess) given birthright- but how much time do we spend in that state, really? Now let’s apply the same concept to your relationship.  What is the opposite of resistance?  It’s acceptance.  You know that prayer called the Serenity Prayer?  ...

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A New Year’s Resolution

Personally I’m not that into New Year’s resolutions, but if you are I do have a recommendation.  I know you’re thinking along the lines of getting in better shape or making more money in 2012, right?  Or maybe you want to quit smoking, drinking, or eating junk food? I say if you’re going to bother to make a resolution this year, why not make it one that’s more fun than all that stuff?  Resolve to have more sex in 2012.  Or better yet, how about more S.E.X. (Synergistic Energy Exchange)?  Hopefully, if you have been reading my blog, by now you are learning ...

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Sacred Union in The One Body

You’ve probably heard the expression that goes something like this: You can’t love another until you love yourself.  Well, another way of saying that is this: You can’t have sacred union in the two bodies until you have had sacred union within the one body. What AM I talking about, you may be asking.  Sacred union is basically coming together with the Divine.  It is possible to do it within yourself (aka loving yourself), and in fact it is necessary to do it within yourself before you can truly do it with another. And just to complicate things even more, I will ...

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Sweet Surrender

The concept of surrendering has been coming up for me lately.  I have been dealing with a huge personal challenge.  No, the voice of God/dess didn’t come through and say: “surrender!”, but it may as well have.  You know when you just know you are being guided to do something?  Well, I knew. Then suddenly I realized I had absolutely no idea how to do that.  I had this vague idea that I’ve done it before, I must have known how at some point, and I do subscribe to the idea that we all know everything anyway.  (We just don’t know that we know.)  So I asked ...

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What do You Expect?

We all have expectations in relationships.  Where do they come from?  They come from our earliest memories of fairy tales.  They come from what we learned from our parents or other primary caregivers.  They come from the media- television, movies, and advertising.  In a sense, it doesn’t matter where they come from- the point is, we have them. And our expectations cause us at times to think that something’s “wrong”, when if fact perhaps nothing at all is “wrong”.  Perhaps the only thing that is “wrong” is the fact that we have expectations at all, ...

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More on S.E.X.

Last week, I wrote about Synergistic Energy Exchange, or S.E.X.  It’s when two or more people work together cooperatively to create an exchange of energy.  (Wait, is “work” really the right word here?  Let me know if you come up with a better one.)  As you may remember, I said that S.E.X. is and has always been more about the energy exchange itself than what the bodies are doing.  In fact, the bodies may be clothed, unclothed, touching, not touching- it doesn’t matter.  It is the Synergistic Energy Exchange, not the actions of the bodies without which S.E.X. ...

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Sex is Not What You Think

Sex is not what you think.  Have you ever really asked yourself the question of what sex is?  Chances are, if you’re like most people, you just assumed it’s what our popular culture says it is.  Either a man/woman, man/man, or woman/woman intertwining their naked bodies and getting it on, right?  On the surface, of course, you’re right.  But it’s so much more than that. Sex, or S.E.X. is actually Synergistic Energy Exchange.  Synergistic means working together cooperatively.  So S.E.X. is when two (or more) people work together cooperatively to create an ...

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