“You ARE God!”

Recently, I was in a session with a client, (discussing spiritual stuff, as is often the case) and we were talking about listening to our messages.  You know…those impulses that come into our heads and nudge us to do something?  Yeah, those.  She was saying how many times she doesn’t follow hers because she feels she is “going against God.” I immediately got that it was because of her traditional church upbringing.

I looked her right in the eye, and said:  “You ARE God!”

Many of us have been taught to believe that we are somehow separate from God/dess.  We have bought into the human projections onto “God” as a separate being who is:  judgmental, condemning, jealous, angry, punishing, and forgiving.  Oh yeah, and controlling.  We hear things like:  “That is God’s plan for me.”

There are just sooo many things “wrong” about all this.

THERE IS ONLY ONE SOURCE.  IT is that which we call God.  There IS nothing else.  Every cell, every fiber, every particle in the Universe is God.  It all has a consciousness.  There is nowhere else for us to come from.  There is nothing else for us to be.

Oh, and don’t get me started on the biggest projection of all:  the devil. Satan.  This is simply a projection of “evil”  (our dark side, what we don’t want to know about ourselves) onto some “other”.  Yes, there is darkness in the world.  But is is not evil.  It is simply the opposite of love:  fear, in all its many forms.  And even that can be transmuted back into love/God.

God/dess doesn’t judge, condemn, get jealous, angry, punish people, OR forgive them.  It is impossible for God/dess to do any of that, since God/dess has no ego.  Only we, as humans, have an ego.  God/dess never has to forgive because It doesn’t get angry in the first place.  We’re the ones who need to forgive- ourselves and others.

In this context, how can we think of ourselves, if not as “God’s people”?  We are all waves on the ocean of God/dess.  We are God/dess dreaming about Itself.  There is just this particular planet on which we are having an experience as a human.  With a soul inside our bodies.  Our soul is the God part of us.  Soul + ego = human.

There is no separation, and never was.  We knew that when we were tiny infants.  It was our plan to forget, before we came here.  That’s just what happens being a human being.  We forget, and then we may choose, as we intended, to remember who we really are.  That’s the fun part!  😉

No matter what the source of my client’s impulses to write in her journal, or use sage, or whatever it may be- her soul, her angels, her spirit guides, one of the ascended masters, or God/dess Itself-, she cannot possibly be going against God.  The source of the impulse IS God.

She is God/dess.  I am God/dess.  You are God/dess.  Self, meet Self.

2 Replies to ""You ARE God!""

  • scott
    April 5, 2015 (5:27 am)

    Great post Maria. The extra part of this is nature and the power that binds us all.

  • Maria Merloni
    April 6, 2015 (4:31 pm)

    Thanks. And good point. In my way of looking at it, (not sure if this what you meant), God/dess IS the power that binds us all together, and many people (including me) are able to be more in touch with that power when around nature, as it is so pure and untainted. Nature has no ego. That’s why we fee so good around it. 🙂 Yay nature!