Things You Can See in a Strip Club

Last night, I went to a strip club with  some friends.  They had read my book, "The Naked Truth", and told me they wanted to go to a strip club but were scared to go alone.  So, they twisted my arm ;) and got me to go with them. They found an awesome little "hole in the wall" type of place, the kind of place I used to love to work at.  In fact, I was having fantasies of coming out of retirement just to work there, it looked so fun!  (And, I'm not.)...

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Still on the Self-Compassion Kick

I do want to share with you more of the self-compassion techniques that I referenced in my last blog, "Self-Compassion is the Antidote to Suffering".  As you may have surmised, I was often times in a desperate state during the time period I am now choosing to call my "dark night of the soul".  I had the benefit of having a very dear friend channel for me when I felt like I just couldn't take it anymore and needed some guidance from non-physical....

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Self-Compassion is the Antidote to Suffering

As I mentioned in my blog last week, titled "I Love", I have been on a long, amazing journey of growth and discovery.  Probably the most important thing I learned in the past eighteen months:  the difference between pain and suffering is self-compassion. One of the best definitions I have ever found for the word pain was written by Kahlil Gibran in "The Prophet".  My college boyfriend gave me that book quite a few (!) years ago, and I still think of this quote sometimes:  "Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding."  We all know when we are in pain, but have we ever really thought about what pain is?  I have felt a lot of pain during this process.  Much of the time I turned it into suffering through the way that I chose to think about it....

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I Love

I have been on such an amazing journey since I made the decision to fulfill my life purpose here on the planet.  Many times over the last year and a half, I would have said amazingly horrible journey.  Today I am in a place of saying amazingly perfect.  It all came to a culmination for me last night as I was driving to my friend's house, and sobbing all the way there.  Mostly, they were tears of joy.  With a bit of fear harmonizing in occasionally....

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The Letting Go

I am (in case you haven't heard) one of the world's great criers.  I actually like crying.  You know those people that never cry?  I can't relate.  In fact, I don't know how I'd get through life without it.  I express all of my core feelings through tears- fear, anger, joy, sadness, and sexual feelings.  Crying is a release.  Orgasm is a release.  Do you see what I'm saying?  It feels good.  And if I don't do it enough, I can feel that I'm not doing it enough. (Hey, same with orgasm, haha!) When people don't express their feelings  (and crying is an essential ...

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Just Say Yes(tra) to Zestra!

There seems to be this new trend of sex toy companies sending out free products to people like myself, in hopes that they'll try the product out, use it, and then write a blog telling the whole world how great it is!  My friend got a "Magic Banana" sent to her.  (She showed it to me on Skype- no, she was NOT using it at the time- and it looks pretty cool.)  I want a Magic Banana, too.  But I just may have to buy my own, because one hasn't been offered to me.  I did, however, get an offer to try a new product called Zestra. Do understand that I am not the type to ...

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“Extreme Self Care”

Back when The Oprah Winfrey Show was big, Oprah used to feature a life coach named Cheryl Richardson.  Cheryl used to talk about a concept called “extreme self care”.  In fact, she wrote a book called The Art of Extreme Self Care.  I have not read Cheryl’s book, but I have borrowed the term she coined and I strive to engage in extreme self care daily. In the study of iridology, people are classified as different types according to what their irises, the colored parts of their eyes, look like.  I am what’s known as a Stream Jewel.  A Stream Jewel has the ...

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Self-Love at it’s Best

What if you were making love to someone really special?  Would you put extra care into things like the room you were making love in, the atmosphere, your personal hygiene? Well, what if you did that all “just” for yourself?  Plan some self-pleasuring time.  Make it luxuriously expansive, like say set two hours aside for it.  Prepare yourself by bathing or showering, shaving, whatever you would normally do to prepare for a hot date.  Put on some lotion, perfume, or cologne to make yourself smell really good too.  Have the room you choose to use ready ahead of ...

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Masturbation- Not Just for Teenagers

This being National Masturbation Month and all, I am inspired to write about masturbation.  First of all, we need to do something about that word.  Lots of negative connotations to the word “masturbation”, wouldn’t you say?  For me, it conjures up images of horny teens with acne ejaculating into tissues, and the words “secret” and “shame” come to mind (no pun intended).  And we have been told many crazy things about masturbation over the decades, to discourage us from doing it:  It will make you grow hair on your palms.  It’s a sin.  It’s a sin ...

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My Space

Nah, I don't mean that popular social networking site.  (I think that's MySpace anyway.)  I mean MY SPACE; ME. Let me explain.  Last night I was sitting on my mat at the beginning of yoga class, and my teacher (my favorite yoga instructor whom I loooove) invited us to use our breath to guide us into our yoga practice, to kind of "fall" into our own space.  She said something like:  "what's going on in the world is not your business, what's going on in your friends and families' lives is not your business, what's going on in your space IS your business".  And ...

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