Meetup Is Not A Dating Site
As you probably know, most of my newsletters are all warm and sunshine-y. This one - not so much.
I want to be kind, I always want to be kind. AND, I want to publicly say that in my experience it is not uncommon for someone to "hit on" me on Meetup. Or LinkedIn, for that matter, which seems even more out of line in my opinion. Nor FaceBook. Or, Instagram. You get the picture.
Why do people go on Meetup? To meet UP, right? Does that ALWAYS mean they are going to find a new partner? It absolutely does not.&nb...
What I Learned From My Kitten Today
This morning I was on a call with my business coach. Her doorbell rang, and she excused herself to go answer it, since she was the only one in the house.
I happened to have our new kitten Moishe ("Moy-she", means Moses in Hebrew) sleeping on my lap. Looking down at him, I was patting him while waiting for my coach to come back, and noticing all the cool patterns of color on his coat. He's mostly black and white, but I saw on the top of his head a patch where his fur was black with just a few white hairs scattered here and there. And ...
Can Loss Be A Gift?
Last Saturday I was about to give a 3 hour Sacred Lingam Massage workshop, so I went to get my nails and toes done beforehand. While I was waiting for my nails to dry, I got a phone call from a number right in town. I knew there were no workshop participants from Milton, so I let it go to voicemail.  I later found out it was the Animal Control Officer. You probably know where I'm going here. I called her back and she told me that our beloved kitten who hadn't even had a chance to turn one yet had been found dead in the neighbor's yard. It was shocking at first ...
I’m Not Going To Lie
I'm not going to lie. It's been an interesting week. And I don't mean "bad". A real mixed bag, actually.
Last week I had arthroscopic knee surgery. So that's a thing. I'm doing well. And, it's still a thing.
At the same time, business is hopping! I think I underestimated what a big deal it is to work full time while only having had surgery a few days earlier. And, I'm not complaining. My ideal clients are coming to me, and I love doing this work.
And then there are just a lot of people around me going through challenges ...
Life Lessons From A Jigsaw Puzzle
I just finished a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle. Well, 998 pieces to be exact. I'm pretty sure my cat ate two of them.
It's a beautiful, spring-like scene of songbirds and flowers in a scenic country setting, for those who are curious.
Making jigsaw puzzles is something I used to do as a kid. My sister and I would do them together. I hadn't done one in decades. Until Covid hit. I'm going to count it as one of the benefits of Covid that I got to remember how much I love making them, There's something magical about that moment ...
Do You Hate Valentine’s Day?
While it may be true that much of the Valentine's Day hype is commercially based, so what?
That's the case with most holidays. The question is, are we going to let capitalism dictate our behavior by NOT celebrating perfectly wonderful things, like love?
And unlike some holidays, there actually is some kind of grain of truth in this one. Valentine's Day is connected to love. What is now Valentine's Day was said to have started out as the Roman festival of Lupercalia, which celebrated the rituals of spring and ended with men and women being paired ...
The Power Of Love
More specifically, I received some news from a colleague that I had been working on a project with for the past few months which left me feeling sad, angry, and betrayed. Â
If I'm to be honest: I did all the usual things I do when I have a conflict with someone else, (which isn't that often, thank Goddess). I cried, I made up stories about the other person's intentions, had revenge fantasies, thought of a few choice words for my colleague, judged the other person, felt like a victim, told myself I was foolish for being so trusting, you know the ...
Lately I Am Fascinated By….
Of course, this is all part of my larger interest in being part of the dismantling of the patriarchy. That, I am committed to, both personally and professionally. No, I am not a man-hater, not by any means. Nor am I one to point fingers and blame. However, we've been living in a patriarchal system on this planet for thousands of years, and there are many signs that it is time for that to shift.
It doesn't serve either men OR women for us to live in such an unbalanced world. Yet over the past couple of years it has been ...
I Never Knew What Date Rape Really Meant
WARNING: Possible triggering topic. If you are sensitive to SEXUAL ABUSE TRIGGERS do not read further.
What I mean is, I (and plenty of clients I have worked with) have the capacity to know about something and also not be fully conscious of what's going on AT THE SAME TIME. I guess it's really not that mysterious. It's called DENIAL. And, yet, when I become aware of something that I was previously UNaware of, it always seems to blow my mind.For example, I used to think that date rape was literally when someone went on a date and then at the end of the ...
I’ve Made A Big Decision….To Tell My Story!
And in some ways that is true - I HAVE been very transparent and posted blogs over the years about some very, very personal things! Â
But now, I'm talking about a whole other level of real-ness.
I didn't even know this about myself until about 4 years ago. I went to a weekend workshop that involved a lot of non-sexual nudity. Great, I thought, I'm all ...